
2535 resultaten in het Nederlands in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.


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  • prof.dr. (Peter) PWA Scholten

    Peter Scholten is full professor of Migration and Diversity Policy at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology. He is director of IMISCOE,…
  • dr. (Rogier) R van Reekum

    Rogier van Reekum is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is currently working on…
  • dr. (Rebecca) RFI Moody

    Rebecca Moody (1981) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Currently she is working on the…
  • prof.dr. (Peter) P Mascini

    As a researcher, I consider myself to be primarily a policy sociologist. Policy is based on the basic assumption that humans can be influenced. Taking a closer…
  • dr. (Peter) PK Marks

    **Dr.dr. Peter Marks is an associate professor at the Department of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.** Peter Marks studied economics and…
  • dr. (Arjen) AS Leerkes

    I am an Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology and a Full Professor of Migration, Securitzation and Social…
  • prof.dr. (Willem) W de Koster

    As a cultural sociologist, I aim to rigorously scrutinize how social groups give meaning to social issues, how this informs their actions and how it shapes…
  • prof.dr. (Joop) JFM Koppenjan

    Joop Koppenjan is Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His fields of interest are: Agenda building, decision making and…
  • prof.dr. (Erik Hans) EH Klijn

    Erik-Hans Klijn is professor at the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He also received an honorary doctorate from the Ghent…
  • prof.dr. (Renske) R Keizer

    Renske Keizer (1983) is full professor in Family Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Keizer’s primary research interest is the role that families…

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