
2531 resultaten in het Nederlands in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.


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  • (Kayla) KH Green, MSc

    Kayla Green is a PhD candidate in the [SYNC lab][]. Her work focuses on the individual differences in developmental trajectories of behavioural and neural…
  • dr. (Francisca) F Grommé

    Francisca Grommé is an assistant professor in Digitalisation in work and society. She works from a background in science and technology studies (STS), political…
  • ESSB Virtuele Informatiesessies - Bachelors

    Neem eens een kijkje en open onderaan de pagina onze virtuele informatiesessies, de webpagina’s, onze contactgegevens, of chat met studenten en staf!
  • dr. (Femke) FL Truijens

    Femke L. Truijens is Assistant Professor Clinical Psychology, conducting interdisciplinary research on the borderline of clinical psychology, methodology…
  • ESSB Virtuele Informatiesessies - (Pre-)Masters

    Neem eens een kijkje en open onderaan de pagina onze virtuele informatiesessies, de webpagina’s, onze contactgegevens, of chat met studenten en staf!
  • dr. (Suzanne) SW van de Groep

    Suzanne van de Groep is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology, Education, and Child Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam and affiliated with…
  • dr. (Ilse) IH van de Groep, MSc

    Ilse van de Groep is a PhD Candidate in the Erasmus Sync Lab (Rotterdam), Brain and Development Research Center (Leiden University) and the Child and Adolescent…
  • prof.dr. (Eveline) EAM Crone

    Prof. Eveline Crone is full professor in Developmental Neuroscience in Society and she leads the SYNC lab (Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected). The…
  • dr. (Michelle) M Achterberg

    Dr. Michelle Achterberg is a postdoctoral researcher in the SYNC-lab and is interested in social emotional development. In her studies, she…
  • dr. (Crystal) CR Smit

    Crystal Smit is assistant professor in Clinical Child and Family Studies at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. She is also lab manager…

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