Researcher profielen

  • prof.dr. (Michal) M Onderco

    Michal Onderco is Full Professor of International Relations in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His…
    prof.dr. (Michal) M Onderco
  • dr. (Irene) I van Oorschot

    Irene van Oorschot is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.  Her current…
    dr. (Irene) I van Oorschot
  • prof.dr. (Roland) JR Ortt

    prof.dr. (Roland) JR Ortt
  • dr. (Mark) MMAC van Ostaijen

    Mark M.A.C. van Ostaijen is as Assistant Professor affiliated to the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS/ ESSB) at Erasmus University…
    dr. (Mark) MMAC van Ostaijen
  • dr. (Joost) J Oude Groeniger

    dr. (Joost) J Oude Groeniger
  • dr. (Kim) KHR Ouwehand

    Kim Ouwehand is an Academic Researcher at the Department of Psychology of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
    dr. (Kim) KHR Ouwehand
  • prof.dr. (Fred) GWC Paas

    Fred Paas is Professor and chair of the research group Educational and Developmental Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies of…
    prof.dr. (Fred) GWC Paas
  • (Chetana) C Pai

    (Chetana) C Pai
  • (Ina) I Paredis, MSc

    (Ina) I Paredis, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Kees) CWAM van Paridon

    Kees van Paridon (1952, Leidschendam) is Professor of Economics at the Department of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Kees van…
    prof.dr. (Kees) CWAM van Paridon

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