Researcher profielen

  • mr. (Leonard) LK Geluk

    mr. (Leonard) LK Geluk
  • (Eva) EA van Gemert, MSc

    Eva van Gemert is a PhD candidate at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her PhD research (2017-2021)…
    (Eva) EA van Gemert, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Lasse) LM Gerrits

    Dr. Lasse Gerrits is an associate professor at the Department of Public Administration and member of the research group Governance of Complex Systems. He worked…
    prof.dr. (Lasse) LM Gerrits
  • (Abdelkarim) A el Ghani, MSc

    (Abdelkarim) A el Ghani, MSc
  • dr. (Michael) MR Giffin

    dr. (Michael) MR Giffin
  • (Bharti) BD Girjasing, MSc

    (Bharti) BD Girjasing, MSc
  • (Juliet) JJ Godthelp

    (Juliet) JJ Godthelp
  • drs. (Claudia) C Gomes

    drs. (Claudia) C Gomes
  • (Manou) MP Gomlich

    (Manou) MP Gomlich
  • (Bastiaan) BM Goossen, MSc

    (Bastiaan) BM Goossen, MSc

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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