For media inquiries and appearances contact Marjolein Kooistra, | +31 6 83676038. Direct inquiries will not be accepted.
Willem Schinkel is Professor of Social Theory at Erasmus University Rotterdam
He publishes on a wide range of subjects in social and political theory. His work is currently centered on the genealogies of migration and property. He has been visiting scholar at NYU (New York, USA), and at Humboldt University in Berlin. He coordinates the Engaging Public Issues master’s programme and hosts the Compositions Book Club podcast.
Key publications (selection, books):
- (2021): Pandemocratie, Amsterdam: Leesmagazijn (German translation in 2024: Pandemokratie)
- (2019), with Rogier van Reekum: Theorie van de kraal. Kapitaal – ras – fascism, Amsterdam: Boom Filosofie
- (2017): Imagined Societies. A Critique of Immigrant Integration in Western Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Key publications (selection, articles):
- (2023): ‘Steps to an Ecology of Algorithms’, Annual Review of Anthropology
- (2020): ‘State work and the testing concours of citizenship’, British Journal of Sociology
- (2019): ‘Migration Studies: An Imposition’, Comparative Migration Studies
- (2017), with Rogier van Reekum: ‘Drawing Lines, Enacting Migration: Visual Prostheses of Bordering Europe’, Public Culture
- (2016): ‘Making Climates Comparable: Comparison in Paleoclimatology’, Social Studies of Science
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Full professor | Science Public Issues and Imaginaries
More information
- Willem Schinkel (2023) - To decolonize migration studies means to dismantle it. On Adrian Favell’s The Integration Nation and question-ability - Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46 (8), 1600-1608 - doi: 10.1080/01419870.2022.2130704 - [link]
- Jess Bier, Jiska Engelbert, Zouhair Hammana, Vatan Huzeir, Irene van Oorschot, Willem Schinkel & Rogier van Reekum (2022) - ‘Het CvB kiest voor geweld tegen studenten: wat leert dat ons?’ - Erasmus Magazine - [link]
- Rogier van Reekum & Willem Schinkel (2021) - Na de oorlog
- Willem Schinkel & Rogier Van Reekum (2021) - Fanon Pulls Out a Knife and Cuts Adorno's Throat - Krisis, 41 (2), 76-78 - doi: 10.21827/krisis.41.2.38285 - [link]
- Willem Schinkel, Marguerite van den Berg, S Bracke, Irene van Oorschot, Rogier van Reekum & Jess Bier (2020) - Academici zijn geen ‘vitale beroepsgroep’ - Science Guide - [link]
- Rogier van Reekum, Marguerite van den Berg, Irene van Oorschot, Willem Schinkel, Jess Bier & S Bracke (2020) - Zonder plan geen serieus universitair onderwijs in september - Science Guide - [link]
- P De Vries & Willem Schinkel (2019) - Algorithmic anxiety: Masks and camouflage in artistic imaginaries of facial recognition algorithms - Big Data & Society, 6 (1), 1-12 - doi: 10.1177/2053951719851532 - [link]
- Willem Schinkel (2019) - Autopoiesis - doi: 10.1002/9781405165518 - [link]
- Friso van Houdt & Willem Schinkel (2019) - Laboratory Rotterdam. Logics of Exceptionalism in the Governing of Urban Populations - doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96041-8
- Willem Schinkel (2019) - Migration studies: an imposition - Comparative Migration Studies, 2019 (7) - doi: 10.1186/s40878-019-0136-4 - [link]
- Irene Oorschot & Willem Schinkel (2015) - Het dossier als grensobject: Allo- en autoreferentie in het strafrecht (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Payal Arora, P Vishnu Poruthiyil, EG (Elke) Geraerts, Steven Walle, Willem Schinkel, Maureen Sie & BF Eekelen (2012) - How to become an "excellent" young academic researcher? (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - The exception as a mobile principle (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Culturism and the Sociology of Integration (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Beleid en Maatschappij (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Contemporary Political Theory (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - International Sociology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Sociologie (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Theoretical Criminology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Willem Schinkel (2010) - Theory Culture & Society (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic
- Willem Schinkel, Samira van Bohemen, L. Van Zoonen, I. Van Oorschot & T. Krijnen (2015) - FWOS Grant (awarded by the Dutch Fund for Sexuality Research) for the research project 'Good sex: How young people perceive and practice good sex'
- Start date approval
- september 2022
- End date approval
- september 2025
- Place
3.3 Theoretical Sociology
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-S3040
Advanced Social Theory
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-ED3021
4.1 Public Issues: Introduction
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-513
2.3C Theoretical Sociology
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-2021-A