Movez Lab

  • prof.dr. (Moniek) MA Buijzen

    Moniek Buijzen is Erasmus University Professor of Communication and Change, with a current focus on the integration of AI in society. She is the academic lead…
    prof.dr. (Moniek) MA Buijzen
  • prof.dr. (Esther) E Rozendaal

    Esther Rozendaal is full professor of Digital Resilience and co-lead of the Erasmus Movez Lab, a research team with a shared interest in young people, digital…
    prof.dr. (Esther) E Rozendaal
  • dr. (Thabo) TJ van Woudenberg

    Thabo van Woudenberg was born in 1989 in Leiden, the Netherlands. In 2012, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in communication science at the Radboud University in…
    dr. (Thabo) TJ van Woudenberg
  • dr. (Crystal) CR Smit

    Crystal Smit is assistant professor in Clinical Child and Family Studies at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. She is also lab manager…
    dr. (Crystal) CR Smit
  • (Jonas) JA Schlicht

    **Jonas Schlicht is a PhD student in the Erasmus Movez Lab and interested in social influence effects. **In his research he focuses on how to apply…
    (Jonas) JA Schlicht
  • (Bojan) B Simoski

    Bojan Simoski is a postdoctoral researcher in the Movez Lab, where he is focused on applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) for empowering smart, healthy and…
    (Bojan) B Simoski
  • dr. (David) DJ Blok

    David Blok is an academic researcher at the Erasmus Movez Lab. In June 2018, he successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Introducing systems approaches…
    dr. (David) DJ Blok
  • (Hannah) HM Volman

    Hannah is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Movez Lab. For the research project SocialMovez she will be investigating how digital privacy can be integrated into…
    (Hannah) HM Volman
  • (Ying) HY Chuck, MSc

    Ying Chuck is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Movez Lab, a research team with a shared interest in young people, digital media, and wellbeing. Her PhD project,…
    (Ying) HY Chuck, MSc
  • (Chiara) C de Jong

    Chiara de Jong is a post-doc researcher at the Erasmus Movez Lab, a research team with a shared interest in young people, digital media, and wellbeing. She is…
    (Chiara) C de Jong
    • (Tonka) T Milosevic, MSc

      Tonka Milošević is a PhD Candidate in the Gravitation Program Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc) focused on researching how public values are…
      (Tonka) T Milosevic, MSc
    • Kim Doornhein - Junior onderzoeker

      Als junior onderzoeker bij Erasmus Movez Lab focus ik op gedragsveranderingsinterventies als onderdeel van het SocialMovez-project. Daarnaast onderzoek ik hoe we onze participatieve onderzoeksmethoden en inzichten kunnen integreren in educatieve mediawijsheid programma’s voor jongeren en promoot ik deze methoden bij collega-onderzoekers.

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