dr. TJ (Thabo) van Woudenberg


Thabo van Woudenberg was born in 1989 in Leiden, the Netherlands. In 2012, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in communication science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Two years later, he completed the research master at the Behavioral Science Institute at the same university, after studying self-persuasion to promote advertising literacy and the feeling of presence in virtual environments. Subsequently, Thabo started to work at the Radboud University as part of the MyMovez project, led by Professor Buijzen. In January 2020, Thabo successfully defended his dissertation (Cum Laude), titled: Social Network Interventions that Promote Physical Activity among Adolescents.

At present, Thabo works as a post-doc researcher and scientific coordinator at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Science in Rotterdam. In the current project, Thabo further investigates effective and responsible health campaigns for adolescents using online social networks. For a full scientific curriculum vitae and digital version of the dissertation, please visit http://www.tvanwoudenberg.com.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Visiting fellow | Behavioural Change


  • SW (Suzanne) van de Groep & TJ (Thabo) van Woudenberg (2021) - Dragon's Den Seed Fund

News regarding dr. TJ (Thabo) van Woudenberg

Oproep aan jongeren: blijf bewegen tijdens de lockdown

Thabo van Woudenberg toont aan dat er een wederzijdse relatie bestaat tussen bewegen en geluk. Hij wilt jongeren aansporen te blijven bewegen.

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