Vacancies overview

5 results

  • Open Access Officer (temporary)

    The University Library (UB) of the Erasmus University (EUR) is looking for an Open Access officer for 0.4 FTE - 0.6. FTE (6 months).
  • Network Coordinator / Academic Assistant

    Seeking an Academic Assistant to coordinate local networks, an exploratory research project on building practices in Sub-Saharan Africa’s informal settlements.
  • Onderzoeker opleidingsdiversiteit in lerarenteams in het primair onderwijs

    Gezocht: onderzoeker voor een onderzoeksproject over samenwerking tussen leraren in het basisonderwijs met en zonder academische opleidingsachtergrond
  • Postdoctoral researcher, management education

    We are looking for an ambitious postdoctoral researcher with experience in EU-funded projects and passion for evidence-based and sustainable innovation.
  • Fulltime lecturer, Business Information Management

    Ready to contribute to educating future talent in Business Information Management (BIM) at bachelor and master levels? Apply for our lecturer position!

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