TransEUR: Transforming the Erasmus University Rotterdam

Exploring possibilities for transformative research and education at EUR
An audience sitting in a room with yellow walls, clapping

The Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform itself is a research project, an institutional experiment. In line with Erasmus University's 2019-2024 strategic agenda and mission to create 'positive societal impact', DIT is tasked with creating favourable environments for more transformative academic work. 

How do we study?

Using an action research methodology, we co-develop the DIT Platform as an institutional experiment to create institutional change within the university. Our ambition is to learn from that institutional experiment about the specific forces at play at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. From there, we attempt to change certain forces and structures to be more conducive to engaged and transformative ways of doing research and education. We use a reflexive monitoring approach, which combines workshops, interviews and reflection sessions as part of the methodology.  


Picture of Julia Wittmayer

About the researcher

Julia Wittmayer is Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) and works as a senior researcher and advisor at DRIFT (Dutch Research Institute of Transitions). Within DIT, Julia focuses on building an ecosystem around Transformative Research and on developing DIT as an institutional action research experiment. 

Join us 

Would you like to contribute to making EUR more conducive to engaged and transformative academic work? Do you have ideas, suggestions, concerns? Please send an email to research lead Julia Wittmayer at

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