Transdisciplinary Master 'Societal Transitions'

Educating transformative leaders for a sustainable future
erasmus bridge in rotterdam

We live in a time of change. Whether in energy, food, mobility, health care or finance: the institutional, technological, and social systems we have developed are not sustainable and will transition in ways we can neither predict nor control. To educate leaders who can interpret, develop, direct and facilitate transition processes, we have developed the transdisciplinary Master 'Societal Transitions'. It is a full-time, one-year programme that kicks off in the academic year 2023/2024. 

MST Students Smiling

MST - Overview

What makes this programme unique? 

  • Transdisciplinarity: The master is transdisciplinary, which means that it integrates knowledge from various disciplines, including economics, philosophy, political science, psychology and ecology. Students from all backgrounds are welcome, and they will work on real-life cases and collaborate with societal stakeholders. 
  • Practical graduation project: Instead of writing a traditional thesis, students will design and facilitate an intervention for a sustainability challenge as their graduation project. 
  • Leadership and reflection track: The master provides students with personal leadership training, where they will learn to understand their own role within societal transitions, communicate about them and become an active leader for change. Their learning journey is supported by reflection sessions. 
  • Cross-faculty collaboration: In this programme, we build on the expertise of some of EUR's most prominent and leading schools and institutes, including DRIFT, ESSB, ESPhil, IHS, ISS, and RSM

View some testimonials from lecturers and students: 

Robin van den Akker

MST - Testimonial Robin


MST - Testimonial Ginnie


Testimonial - Aniek

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