TRANSacademia: Transforming academia

Exploring how engaged research can be institutionalised in academia
Five women sitting next to each other on high chairs, one is speaking into a microphone

In the light of pressing social and ecological crises, many researchers consider it their duty or are intrinsically motivated to work on societal questions. In doing so, they often work in more transformative, engaged, action-oriented, inter- or transdisciplinary ways. Yet are their universities and the broader academic system designed to accommodate these research approaches? In this research project, we explore how engaged and action-oriented research can be institutionalised in academia. 

What we're currently working on 

We have started looking into the increased focus of universities on ‘societal impact’ and their efforts to support their academics to have such impact. One of these efforts is the creation of different organisational forms and institutional designs (e.g. interfaculty platforms, specific reward & recognition policies). During 2023, we will be doing a cross-case comparative analysis of institutional designs supporting more engaged or transformative academic work at universities across the world.  

Blog series 'Exploring transformative research'

‘To be more impactful would be to have more time to build relationships’

Exploring transformative research with Bert de Graaff

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‘Trying to bring scientific ideals into practice’

Exploring transformative research with Joris Krijger

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‘We should encourage taking risks more’

Exploring transformative research with Saskia Ruijsink

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‘Research is becoming more meshed’

Exploring transformative research with Zeynep Birsel

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‘There is need for a different kind of institutional design in academia'

Exploring transformative research practices at Erasmus University

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Picture of Julia Wittmayer

About the researcher

Julia Wittmayer is Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) and works as a senior researcher and advisor at DRIFT (Dutch Research Institute of Transitions). Within DIT, Julia focuses on building an ecosystem around Transformative Research and on developing DIT as an institutional action research experiment.

Join us 

Are you interested in working with us on this broader topic of the transformation of academia? We’re always looking to collaborate with guest researchers, to join in with other cases or co-organise workshops. Please send an email with your idea to


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