Sanne Linders

Sanne Linders
Media & Business offers a lot of possibilities on the job market.

Sanne Linders

Student Master Media & Business

When I started studying my HBO bachelor Creative Business, I always told everyone that I would go to university to get my master’s degree. Now, here I am! Ever since I started my HBO studies, I felt the need to excel in the field of media and business. Therefore, I decided to study Media & Business and, for me, there is truly no better place to do this than at Erasmus University.

Aside from Erasmus University being close to the city I already live in, the courses and teachers really make it a unique master Specialisation that prepares you for the job market (or for future studies). And your fellow-students, who are from across the world, and being part of a diverse classroom make it even more educational.

Premaster Media Studies

As I came from a Dutch university of applied sciences (or HBO) I first needed to complete the premaster Media Studies at Erasmus University to later enrol into the master specialisation Media & Business. My experience with the premaster was very good. It serves as a good foundation and will make your life much easier during the master specialisation. Especially if you previously struggled with research courses.

Choose your own courses

Media & Business has many different courses and one of the perks is that you can choose some of the courses yourself. One of the elective courses that I really enjoyed and find very insightful is Strategic Mass Communication. The lecturer is very passionate about the subject and shared all kinds of (personal) historical and current experiences and stories. Creativity and research come together at the end of the course when you make your own strategic mass communication project.

Public relations

This master made me realize that I am very interested in public relations. I still don’t know exactly the job title I would like to claim after my studies, but I would like to do something related to public relations. Luckily, this master specialisation offers lots of possibilities on the job market and I still have time to figure it out.

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