Paul Standaart

This study gave me the best possible preparation for working in the marketing field.

Paul Standaart

Alumnus Master in Marketing

Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics

The master programme of Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics gave me a solid foundation of knowledge about different aspects of the Marketing field. The combination of theory and models, combined with practical cases, gave me very helpful insights into the marketing field. It really helped me to apply theoretical knowledge into practice. This hands on experience prepared my very well for my current job. Especially the course Sales and Account Management was heavy in gaining experience and was directly helpful as working as a junior marketer in a large international company.

Broadening your studies

Next to the official curriculum study association MaEUR offers a broad range of activities to develop your social and soft skills even further. I was part of the committee that organised the International Research Project where we went to Dublin, London, Munich and Berlin with a group of students while doing research for an investment company.

During this experience I definitely profited from the knowledge the master taught me. However, every research is different and you always have to adjust in order to get the best results. This became very clear when we needed to manage all stakeholders’ expectations and their interests. The experience was highly relevant and helped me during my career as well. Because I was so inspired by this project, I spend my last year at the Marketing Master as president of MaEUR. That experience definitely broadened my horizon and I learned even more!


Currently I am a National Account Manager at Beiersdorf. It is a sales position, so I am responsible for creating new business opportunities and building foundations for future collaborations for Beiersdorf. My job requires me to keep close contact with buyers of several big accounts and to see how we can grow the businesses together in mutually beneficial deals.  Before my current job, I worked at Mondelez International where I fulfilled several marketing roles; in my last job at Mondelez, I was responsible for the marketing of Côte d’Or tablets in the whole Benelux. This included creating new Marketing plans, analysing of the market and portfolio and to translate strategy into 360° activation.

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