Maartje Witteveen

I recommend this Master’s programme to anyone who likes learning about behaviour change and health psychology and enjoys a combination of research and more practical activities.

Maartje Witteveen

Student Health Psychology

After I finished my Bachelor of Psychology at Erasmus University, I was not sure what kind of Master I wanted to do until I saw the Master ‘Health Psychology’. It grabbed my interest since this program allowed me to improve my research skills and use my creativity to work on more practical activities at the same time.

Within this programme, classes are small, and you work closely with fellow students and teachers. You practice with real-life problems, research these, and try to come up with solutions while considering modern interventions. This is all done under the supervision of very kind, professional teachers who make you grow both professionally and as a person. Practicing with and working on these real-life problems also helped me during the internship period, in which you can apply your knowledge to practice. You get to understand in what ways your research skills and knowledge about behaviour change can be valuable to a company or organisation.

In conclusion, I can say that I learned a lot from this Master's programme, and I look forward to bringing everything I have learned into practice. I recommend this Master’s programme to anyone who likes learning about behaviour change and health psychology and enjoys a combination of research and more practical activities.

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