Lisa Habernik

Portrait photo Lisa Habernik
I find it very interesting and stimulating to learn more about economics and relate it to the cultural sector. An the lectures, seminars, and various group assignments offer a perfect setting for discussion of the theory.

Lisa habernik

Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

I did my bachelor’s in management in the UK. After graduating, I spent one year at an art academy where I focused on developing my creative skills. I still wanted to do a master and thought that I wanted to combine my business studies with my creative interest and therefore, the master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship seemed to be a perfect fit. And it has certainly proven to be so.

Economics in relation to the cultural sector

At first, it took me some time to get back into the field of economics because I only had economics for one semester during my bachelor. However, after engaging with the literature, I found it very interesting and stimulating to learn more about economics and relate it to the cultural sector. Therefore, the lectures, seminars, and various group assignments offer a perfect setting for discussion of the theory. When writing my essays, I am then able to focus on my field of interest. I am really looking forward to term 3 where I can focus even more on my specific interest within the seminar electives.

International classroom

What I like the most about Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship is the very international classroom. Everyone comes from a different background, but we all share the interest in art and culture and the eagerness to develop our knowledge about it.

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