Joost van der Linden

Young man posing for camera in a suit
There are many stories that should be told but aren’t. They are either forgotten or haven’t been found yet. This is what studying history, at least to me, is. It is finding and telling the stories of the past that have not been told yet.

Student International Bachelor History

I love stories. Stories are not simply tales we tell each other to entertain. Stories can guide your morals and teach you things, help you answer questions and understand the world around you. Stories immortalize people and things. If we stop telling each other these tales, we forget the things they can teach us. Now there are many stories that deserve to be and should be told but aren’t. They are either forgotten or haven’t been found yet. This is what studying history, at least to me, is. It is finding and telling the stories of the past that have not been told yet, although this is not what I thought when I started my study.

When I started this study, I was afraid my peers would have a head start on me. I hadn’t studied history in high school, and so, lacked a lot of knowledge that the others would have. Luckily, I quickly found out that this was not necessary. While it is very nice to be very knowledgeable about history, this bachelor is focused on doing research, and finding the history yourself. You don’t get told the stories; you learn how to find them and be critical of what you find.

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