Jodie Heijboer

Portrait picture of Jodie Heijboer
Media & Business was my first choice in continuing my path to build a successful communication and marketing career.

Jodie Heijboer

Student Master Media & Business

It is a well-known fact that international environments drive innovation and creativity, and Erasmus University is a great example of this. Surrounded by openminded, innovative, and driven people, this is a place where people can push themselves to overcome challenges and create solutions.

First choice

In my final year of the International Bachelor Communication and Media at Erasmus University, I knew that the master specialisation Media & Business was going to be my first choice in continuing my path to build a successful communication and marketing career. There is a list of reasons for why I chose to stick with Erasmus, but above all, I appreciated the international environment and exciting career opportunities that Media & business offered.

Tools to apply knowledge and skills

My favorite aspect of Media & Business is the teaching material and teaching style. Ranging from a plethora of academic insights to gaining firsthand practical experience. Media & Business has not only taught me the ins and outs of business communication, but it has given me the tools to apply my knowledge and skills to a flexible degree of fields and positions. The teaching style itself is also noteworthy as it is incredibly engaging. The seminars require preparation so you can engage and be part of the discussion, which in my experience, is the best way to learn the material.

Rotterdam’s Bustling City Life

As someone who has lived their entire life right here in Rotterdam, I can vouch for its dynamic city life. Rotterdam is a very young, artsy, and almost edgy city full of contemporary art and culture. Living in this city is a must for anyone who wants to experience a vibrant city life full of students and young entrepreneurs. Packed with restaurants, shops, bars, clubs, museums, special events, and more, I can guarantee that you will never get enough of this city.

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