Jerick Kelly

Portrait picture of Jerick Kelly
Students who have an affinity for media and communication are bound to be a match with this program, as they can fully immerse themselves in how these fields interact with other fields.

Jerick Kelly

Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

For me, the International Bachelor Communication and Media for me was an unexpected choice. I heard about the program through a friend, and I signed up for an Open Day after researching the curriculum a bit. After attending the lectures and talking to students I was fully convinced that IBCoM was the perfect study for me. From that point forward I’ve given IBCoM my full attention.

One of the most interesting parts of IBCoM for me is the agency granted to students when it comes to their course selection procedure. And the ability to delve into many institutional fields such as business, politics, and entertainment. Students who have an affinity for media and communication are bound to be a match with this program, as they can fully immerse themselves in how these fields interact with other fields.

One of the many lessons IBCoM has taught me is to how to be adaptable to change. Once the program starts you will start a constant process of change; you will have new ideas, beliefs, and habits. Once you reach the second year of IBCoM your academic and professional career will start to flourish in ways you didn’t even consider. Your determination and motivation will guide you to new extremes while creating irreplaceable memories with your international classmates.

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