Falk Laser

Policy Economics is a great programme helping you to disentangle the complexity of big policy questions and develop sound economic analyses to real world problems.

Falk Laser

Alumnus Policy Economics

Why I chose Policy Economics? 

After a very theoretical training in economics in my bachelor, I wanted to learn how to apply economic theory to real world problems. This programme was the perfect choice. It advances knowledge in policy related theory and provides the space to get acquainted with the vast bulk of relevant literature. In fact, it demands of the students to take matters in their own hands and present and discuss in written and oral form self-designed solutions to pressing policy questions.

One of the most memorable sentences from the programme was that as young economists, we live in very particular times. This is because with the global financial crisis and its aftermath unfolding we have the learning opportunity to dig deeper and understand.  This is somewhat representative for the learning atmosphere in this programme: big questions are tackled and rigor in economic analysis is coupled with a good dose of curiosity and the freedom to discuss alternative approaches. Thanks to the dedicated and demanding teaching staff, I could develop academically and personally. Last but not least, it was also the co-students with some of which I am still in close contact, which made these 12 months a really long-lasting experience.

My career so far  

During my studies at Erasmus School of Economics, I did an internship at the Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) in The Hague and could apply what I learned about economic policy making in the programme. The experience gained at the ACM certainly helped me in my next job. I did a traineeship at the European Commission and worked in the cabinet of Commissioner for Competition Magrethe Vestager. In Brussels, I extensively drew on the skills, I learned in Rotterdam.  These enabled me to swiftly analyse complex material, identify the relevant economic and political challenges involved and design economic policy proposals.

After an internship in an academic environment at the Max-Planck-Institute in Bonn where I conducted research on financial regulation, I decided to go back to university and start a PhD. I am currently involved in a joint programme of Goethe-University Frankfurt and Technische Universität Darmstadt and I hold a research and teaching assistant position at the chair for International Economics in Darmstadt. Besides teaching responsibilities, I am working on my own research on topics in international macroeconomics, monetary economics and financial economics.

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