Elora Aarts

Smiling girl with black, curly hair and a green top
Learning from peers from different cultures really challenged my views and knowledge and helped me learn beyond the factual information of the bachelor

Student International Bachelor History

After trying two other bachelors in the social science field, I was really looking for something that would combine my interests for the social sciences with something that would add more to my studies. The International Bachelor History ended up being exactly what I was looking for.

Social Sciences

History had always been an interest of mine, and something that I had always been relatively good at. My interest in social sciences also fit in perfectly with the bachelor, especially in the second year where I was able to pick a specialisation that focusses more on social and cultural history.

International Perspective

Besides the inclusion of social sciences, the International Bachelor History also added an interesting new international perspective to my studies. Learning from peers from different cultures really challenged my views and knowledge and helped me learn beyond the factual information of the course. Especially with something as diverse as history, the views and experiences of my peers were the most interesting thing to me. The bachelor is quite small, which adds a very social aspect to it. It took little to no time for me to make friends and create a social circle at Erasmus, which was very exciting for me.

Biggest struggle

My biggest struggle with the bachelor was figuring out how to actually study. Coming from a background in different bachelors, the switch to something like History was quite hard. Learning how to study for exams and how to write historical papers was something that took some time for me. With some trial and error, I have now managed to figure out how to study efficiently in this field.

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