Daria Ciepińska

Thanks to the broader scope of IBCoM, I have the freedom and opportunities to explore fields that I am really interested in, which helped me to discover what career path I want to follow in the future.

Daria Ciepińska

Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

I am interested in storytelling with a focus on the entertainment industry but also marketing and advertising. I liked the fact that Erasmus University Rotterdam is a university known outside of The Netherlands as well, and IBCoM is one of the most prestigious media related bachelors. What I really enjoy about this programme is the combinitation of theory and practise. I feel like this balanced approach of IBCoM really helps me to acquire knowledge in a most effective way.

What do you enjoy most about IBCoM?

My favourite thing about this degree is that thanks to its broader scope, I have the freedom and opportunities to explore topics and fields that I am really interested in, which helped me to discover what career path I want to follow in the future.

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you deal with them?

When I started IBCoM, I was still stuck with the mindset I acquired in high school that there are topics which are school-worthy and the ones I should not bother writing about, because they are not considered serious and they won’t get me good grades. Thankfully, with class discussions and feedback from teachers, I quickly realised it was completely invalid. I started writing about things I am actually passionate about even though they might not sound professional to some people. This resulted not only in my own satisfaction from the work I have done but also in better grades, as teachers here appreciate our engagement in the assignments as well.

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