Gallery walk

Illustration of a teaching session

Students share their response to a case, question or statement on a flip chart. They are then given time to comment on other students' responses. Answering the question becomes a group process, controlled by the student.

Activity goal
Activate prior knowledge | Brainstorm | Exchange knowledge | Recap / Summarize
In class
< 30 minutes| < 60 minutes
Group size

Zoom, Teams, Miro


Step 1

Formulate various questions/statements/cases and write these on separate flip chart sheets (one per sheet). Hang the sheets in the room. If you lack inspiration for you statement or question, look at the examples in the Variations, tips & tricks section below. 

Step 2

Explain to the students that they can respond to both the question/statement/case and to the responses of others. This stimulates them to consider the subject matter carefully and to take part in the discussion.

Step 3

Give each student a marker and ask them to walk around the room to read the sheets and write down their response. Consider giving eacht student two different markers: one colour for their response to a question/statement and another colour to jot down their comments on responses their fellow students wrote.

Step 4

Walk around while the students are writing to examine the responses. As soon as the students stop writing, indicate that the time is up. 

Step 5

Discuss the answers and ideas with the group. If necessary, ask the students for an explanation. Give additional information if students head off in the wrong direction or if it is clear that they have gaps in their knowledge.

Variation 1

You can also use this teaching method online or in a hybrid form. Use collaboration tools for this, such as Miro. For hybrid groups, you can prepare the flip charts both online and offline. Have the online students answer the same questions as the offline students. Once all questions have been answered, add a step in which students combine the offline and online responses onto flip charts. Use these new flip charts to continue to the final step.


There are hundreds of thought-provoking statements online, so if you can’t call any to mind, search for ‘provocative debate topics’ and you’ll end up here for example.


Flip charts and writing materials in multiple colors, or sticky notes in multiple colors.


Have students post their responses on an online whiteboard (Zoom, Teams) or in collaboration tools such as Miro. 

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.

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