
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Gendered dynamics of environmental crime
    Environmental crime and gender - showcasing examples and ideas how to fight the issue.
  • From dysfunctional h-score fetishism towards M-type academia: A pamphlet
    Martin de Jong reflects on the obsession with academic metrics and the disparity between "higher" and "lower" education.
  • Andrea Gudmondsdottir
    Consider your strengths and weaknesses because it can really help you in figuring out what job you will excel at.
  • Christoph Rosenthal
    I constantly benefit from the solid theoretical understanding and rigorous methodological skills acquired in the IBCoM programme.
  • Julia Peters
    There could hardly be a better preparation for a PhD in cultural sociology than the Research Master.
  • Postdoctoral researcher in environmental crime (1 fte / 3 years)
    The Erasmus Initiative ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’ is looking for a full-time postdoctoral researcher for a 36-month period to join its ‘Sustainability…
  • Z: Living memories of Rotterdam from a second-generation migrant from Morocco
    Reporting on a recent interview, Cultural History student reflects on how making visible the experiences of (sons and daughters of) immigrants...
  • The value of prevention: calculating benefits and costs
    We explore how the costs and benefits of prevention can be better modeled and estimated and how these can be communicated to policy makers in an effective way.

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