
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Rotterdam Urban Lecture Series - Jane Jacobs
  • People
    Learn more about the people behind the Erasmus Research Network on Sustainable Business & Human Rights.
  • Peter Koudijs appointed as Professor in Finance and History at Erasmus School of Economics
    Peter Koudijs has been appointed as Professor in Finance and History at Erasmus School of Economics as of August 2020.
  • Innovation in celebration: organizing a hybrid graduation
    How do you ensure that a graduation ceremony is just as special for an online student as for a student who is present in person? Jiao Harmsen tells you more.
  • dr. (Frank) FH Wijen
    Frank Wijen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University…
  • Stefan Stremersch winner of the EMAC Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award 2020
    The winner of the EMAC Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award 2020 is Stefan Stremersch, Professor of Marketing at Erasmus School of Economics.
  • Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie
    In this Dutch master you will learn about psychopathology in children and adolescents.
  • Studying in a tree house
    Final phase of Multifunctional Educational Building Erasmus University in full swing
  • Festive start of the construction of a more sustainable campus
    The official go-ahead is given for the construction of two new buildings on the campus: a multifunctional education building and a modern Sports Center.
  • EUR is a member of a European network of universities
    Erasmus University Rotterdam is the first Dutch university to become a member of the European University Foundation (EUF).

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