
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Genomics in Society
    The field of genomics is an arena of technological advances that are in need of alignment with the needs and values of society
  • Management of International Social Challenges
    Bachelor in Management of International Social Challenges: Are you interested in solving social problems that transcend national borders? Learn more.
  • Managing Art and Cultural Heritage in Global Markets (MAGMa)
    In this two-year, International Erasmus Mundus Master, you study how to manage art and cultural heritage under global markets conditions.
  • Research Master in Economics
    The Tinbergen Institute research master is a joint degree programme offered by Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit.
  • Complaints procedure
    Procedure for handling complaints and reports about serious incidents during the student association introduction period.
  • EUCC Partners
    The EUCC has continuously expanded her network of universities with partnerships and co-operations. The partner network of the EUCC combines academic expertise…
  • University Council
    The purpose of the University Council is representing the community, creating an inspirational and sustainable work and study environment.
  • (Kay) KJH Mars
    Dilemmas of Doing Diversity (DiDi): practices and politics around DEI policy-making in sports and recreation Since October 2022, Kay has been involved as PhD…
  • (Haris) HA Zargar, MSc
    My study looks at social movements, particularly those rooted in the Muslim revivalist thought, in the context of redistributive agrarian reforms in the…
  • dr. (Auma) LA Okwany
    I am Associate Professor of Social Policy at The International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. My scholarship centers on the…

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