The National Student Survey (NSE) is a large-scale annual national survey in which all students in higher education are invited to share their opinion of their study programme at their institution. For the purpose of this survey, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) processes students’ personal data. Further details about the personal data processed by the EUR are set out below.
An amendment to the Dutch Higher Education Act (WHW) means that as a higher education institution, the EUR is required to submit student data to Studiekeuze123, which runs the NSE, so that it can then invite students to participate in the survey. The Act stipulates that funded institutions are legally required to share the following data: the study programme (title/croho code, full-time/part-time), the academic year (first year or higher), the type of degree (regular, post-master’s or pre-master’s), the institution’s student e-mail address and the student’s preferred language.
In addition to the abovementioned data set, EUR provides extra details for the purpose of in-depth analyses:
- Name of the specialization or track within the programme
- International student (yes/no)
- Specifically for Erasmus School of Law, bachelor’s degree: Prior education (HBO propedeuse* in Law / HBO propedeuse* in Other (*passed first year at university of applied sciences) / VWO (pre-university diploma) / Other)).
For in depth analyses and to put results into context, it is necessary to distinguish student satisfaction scores between students of different specializations (also called ‘tracks’), prior education or between national and international students.
In order to increase survey response rates to the NSE, you will also receive the email invitation to participate in the NSE on your secondary (private) e-mail address - provided you have given permission when registering via Studielink.
Purpose of the survey
The EUR would like to be able to perform in-depth analyses for the purpose of evaluating, monitoring and improving its study programmes and education policy, as well as its associated services. Linking the responses in the NSE questionnaire to the student’s background data allows us to analyse the differences in NSE scores among various groups of students, giving us a clearer picture of the specific wishes of each group, for example domestic or international students, or students in different tracks/specialisations within a study programme.
Linking NSE results
Participation in the NSE is voluntary. You can choose whether your answers will be processed anonymously or whether your answers can be traced back by EUR to the individual. If you do not give permission, EUR will not get data that enable us to relate answers to the questions to individual students. In addition, answers from students of a population of less than five students will not be available to EUR. If you do give permission, EUR can connect your answers in the NSE with your data from the administration of EUR (Osiris), via your e-mail address (institution).
If you give permission to connect your answers in the NSE with data from the administration of EUR (Osiris), the following data will be connected:
- Gender
- Age group
- Nationality group (Dutch / EEA / non-EEA)
- Prior education (for all students, not only bachelor Law)
Duration of the survey
The NSE starts on 23/9/2024 (kick-off meeting) and ends on 10/6/2025 (final meeting). The fieldwork runs from 13/1/2025 to 9/3/2025.
Retention periods
The data supplied will be destroyed within six months of the NSE being completed.
Technical and organisational measures
To provide your personal data with optimal protection against unauthorised access or use, the EUR uses appropriate security technology. We protect your data by minimising access rights, using encryption, monitoring use, and applying additional measures to the extent that the current state of the art allows for this. We always report any actual or attempted abuse. The EUR also takes organisational measures to secure personal data against unauthorised access.
Digital office
Click here to submit a request to view or make changes or corrections to your data. You can also use the digital office to withdraw your consent.
Controller contact information
The EUR is the Controller responsible for linking the results from the NSE questionnaire with the participating students’ background data. If you have any questions or comments about our privacy statement, please feel free to contact us by filling in the contact form on the website or sending an e-mail to