Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Lonneke) LAL de Meijer

    Lonneke de Meijer is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research…
    dr. (Lonneke) LAL de Meijer
  • (Gerard) GJ Meijer (Gerard) GJ Meijer
  • mr. (Iris) I Meijer

    mr. (Iris) I Meijer
  • drs. (Femke) F Meijers

    drs. (Femke) F Meijers
  • prof.dr. (Lucas) LCPM Meijs

    Lucas C.P.M. Meijs is professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering  at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Professor…
    prof.dr. (Lucas) LCPM Meijs
  • (Iris) IJM Mekers

    (Iris) IJM Mekers
  • prof. (Carl) CF Mela

    prof. (Carl) CF Mela
  • dr. (Julija) JN Mell

    Julija Mell is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Department of Organisation and Personnel Management of Rotterdam School of Management…
    dr. (Julija) JN Mell
  • mr. (Nesrine) N Mellah

    mr. (Nesrine) N Mellah
  • (Kelvin) KO Memeh, MBA

    (Kelvin) KO Memeh, MBA

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