Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Izabela) IM Derda

    Izabela Derda, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in Media & Creative Industries at the Media & Communication Department.She has a strong background in…
    dr. (Izabela) IM Derda
  • dr. (Daantje) DAJA Derks - Theunissen

    dr. (Daantje) DAJA Derks - Theunissen
  • dr. (Eva) E Derous

    Recruitment Selection and assessment *Applicant perceptions (motivation, anxiety, justice) *Test validity *Test preparation Diversity at work Work motivation…
    dr. (Eva) E Derous
  • prof.dr. (Pieter) PTM Desmet

    prof.dr. (Pieter) PTM Desmet
  • mr. (Christiaan) JH Deugd

    mr. (Christiaan) JH Deugd
  • (Christel) C Deugd - Verburg

    (Christel) C Deugd - Verburg
  • (Giorgia) G Di Summa

    (Giorgia) G Di Summa
  • (Aike) AS Dias - Broens, MSc

    Aike Dias-Broens (she/her) is a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Her main interest and research theme is…
    (Aike) AS Dias - Broens, MSc
  • (Rita) R Dias Pereira, MSc

    My name is Rita and I was born in Portugal where I did my bachelor. I completed my master in economics in Mannheim University and at the moment I do my phD at…
    (Rita) R Dias Pereira, MSc
  • (Matthijs) M Dicke

    (Matthijs) M Dicke

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