Researcher profiles

  • (James) J Bonat

    (James) J Bonat
  • (Gergana) G Boncheva

    (Gergana) G Boncheva
  • dr. (Emese) EKE von Bone

    dr. (Emese) EKE von Bone
  • dr. (Igna) IEJ Bonfrer

    Dr. Igna Bonfrer is Associate Professor of Global Health Economics at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. Her research generates evidence on how…
    dr. (Igna) IEJ Bonfrer
  • prof.dr. (Dion) DGJ Bongaerts

    Dion Bongaerts is an Professor of Financial Technology and Data Analytics at RSM Erasmus University and Academic Director Fintech at the Erasmus Center for Data…
    prof.dr. (Dion) DGJ Bongaerts
  • dr. (Daphne) D van de Bongardt

    Dr. Daphne van de Bongardt is a sociologist and pedagogical scientist, and an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies…
    dr. (Daphne) D van de Bongardt
  • (Guido) GJME de Bont (Guido) GJME de Bont
  • dr. (Michiel) MC Boog

    Dr. Michiel Boog is a researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Antes (a mental healthcare organization in Rotterdam). At the Erasmus University…
    dr. (Michiel) MC Boog
  • mr.dr. (Eva) E Boomsluiter

    mr.dr. (Eva) E Boomsluiter
  • (Corine) CT Boon

    (Corine) CT Boon

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