Researcher profiles

3093 results

  • dr. M (Marleen) de Mul

    dr. M (Marleen) de Mul
  • dr. HM (Martyn) Mulder

    [Note that the system ignores the possibility that people go by their second name] Martyn Mulder taught mathematics and operations research at the Econometric…
    dr. HM (Martyn) Mulder
  • dr. A (Arjen) Mulder

    Arjen Mulder is a senior lecturer of financial management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He earned his doctorate in business at Erasmus…
    dr. A (Arjen) Mulder
  • M (Martijn) Mulder

    In 2017 Martijn started his PhD research on live music experiences and ecologies at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, under supervision…
    M (Martijn) Mulder
  • AE (Eva) Mulder, MSc

    AE (Eva) Mulder, MSc
  • VS (Vivienne Sserumaga) Mulema, MSc

    VS (Vivienne Sserumaga) Mulema, MSc
  • dr. S (Sreerekha) Mullassery Sathiamma

    I joined ISS in January 2020. Prior to ISS, I taught at the University of Virginia, USA, in its Global Studies Program, and at the Department for Women’s…
    dr. S (Sreerekha) Mullassery Sathiamma
  • MJ (Michael) Muller, MSc

    Michael is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship. His research interests lie at the intersection of Strategic…
    MJ (Michael) Muller, MSc
  • dr. CMP (Chris) Müller

    Chris Muller obtained an MSc in Biology at Utrecht University in 2003, specializing in neuroscience. During the MSc, he spent one year at University College…
    dr. CMP (Chris) Müller

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