Researcher profiles

  • (Esther) EM Beckley

    I am a peace and conflict scholar-practitioner. My areas of expertise include feminisms and peacebuilding, child soldiers, postconflict reconstruction and…
    (Esther) EM Beckley
  • drs. (Oliver) O Beckmann, MSc

    drs. (Oliver) O Beckmann, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Arjun) AS Bedi

    Arjun Singh Bedi is Professor of Development Economics and Deputy Rector for Research at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus…
    prof.dr. (Arjun) AS Bedi
  • mr. (Joris) GJ Beek

    mr. (Joris) GJ Beek
  • (Justine) JEM van de Beek

    (Justine) JEM van de Beek
  • (Lotte) LEN Beeldman, MSc

    (Lotte) LEN Beeldman, MSc
  • (Emil) E Beemer, MSc

    (Emil) E Beemer, MSc
  • (Ruben) ER van Beesten

    (Ruben) ER van Beesten
  • (Jolande) J uit Beijerse (Jolande) J uit Beijerse
  • dr. (Cynthia) CE Bejeno, MA

    My Phd research is titled: On the Frontlines: Peasant Women and the Land Refrom Struggles in the Philippines. The study examines the women's land rights and…
    dr. (Cynthia) CE Bejeno, MA

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