Researcher profiles

3101 results

  • dr. TM (Teresa) Marreiros Bago d'Uva

    Teresa Bago d'Uva is Associate Professor of Health Economics. She obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of York in October 2006. Her main research…
    dr. TM (Teresa) Marreiros Bago d'Uva
  • KJH (Kay) Mars

    Dilemmas of Doing Diversity (DiDi): practices and politics around DEI policy-making in sports and recreation Since October 2022, Kay has been involved as PhD…
    KJH (Kay) Mars
  • dr. SM (Svenja) Marsula

    dr. SM (Svenja) Marsula
  • dr. ES (Emilio) Marti

    Emilio Marti is an associate professor at the Rotterdam School of Management. He is an organizational theorists with a keen interest in questions of corporate…
    dr. ES (Emilio) Marti
  • dr. KD (Katharina Dany) Martin

    Katharina D. Martin is a philosopher and artist based in Rotterdam and a visiting fellow at the Erasmus School of Philosophy. Her research comprises philosophy…
    dr. KD (Katharina Dany) Martin
  • GS (Gillian) Martin Mehers

    GS (Gillian) Martin Mehers
  • dr. M (Marisela) Martinez Claros

    Marisela Martínez Claros received her medical degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, (U.N.A.M.). Afterwards, she worked at the…
    dr. M (Marisela) Martinez Claros
  • JC (Juan Carlos) Martinez Delgado

    JC (Juan Carlos) Martinez Delgado
  • dr. A (Ana) Martinovici

    Dr. Martinovici is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (The Netherlands). She holds a PhD degree in…
    dr. A (Ana) Martinovici
  • G (Gabrielle) Martins Van Jaarsveld

    G (Gabrielle) Martins Van Jaarsveld

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