dr. Z (Zeynep) Kasli


I am an interdisciplinary scholar with research and teaching experience that transcend the disciplinary boundaries between political science, sociology, geography and socio-legal studies, with a thematic focus on mobility, migration and citizenship, and a regional expertise on Turkey, MENA and Europe.

I hold BA in Political Science from Boğaziçi University, MA in Social and Public Policy from University of Leeds, MA in Political Science from Sabanci University. I completed my PhD in the Interdisciplinary Near and Middle Eastern Studies program and Graduate Certificate in Law and Society Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Before joining ISS in May 2020, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Erasmus University Department of Public Administration and Sociology, in Horizon 2020 ReSOMA project and the Cities of Migration project, under the supervision of Peter Scholten (2018-2020). Previously I was guest researcher at Institute of Migration Institute for Migration & Ethnic Studies, University of Amsterdam (2013-2015) and Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden Law School (2017-2018), visiting professor at Vienna University, Political Science Department (2017) and lecturer at Leiden University College (2018).

My research revolves around two core research themes: (a) state-society relations with a focus on the interplay between borders, mobilities and citizenship; (b) multi-scale politics and policies of migration. I very much care about contributing to critical scholarship, policy and public debates on migration, asylum and citizenship, from mobility justice perspective.

In my PhD research, I examined the EU-ization of the Greek-Turkish borderland over the course of the last half a century, its transformation from a site of conflict to a site of cooperation especially on migration management. This ethnographic research contributes to migration and citizenship theories by incorporating the discursive distinction made between legality and licitness in the analysis of how cross-border mobilities are perceived on the ground by both state and nonstate actors. Inspired by critical scholars of anthropology and geography of border, and their attentiveness to the historicization and contextualization of cross-border interactions, my research shows that social acceptability, as shaped by the militarized bordering practices of the last century, seems even more decisive on the one hand, whether the local actors comply with or defy national policies, and, on the other hand, the ways in which they engage in cross-border mobility practices and interact with their counterparts across the borders, be they border police, lawyers, migrant activities, smugglers, tourists, students or businesspeople.

Recently I acquired several grants, together with my colleagues from across Europe, Turkey and Lebanon, which will allow me to continue working on: (1) ancestral citizenship as a pathway to Europe (through the Volkswagen Foundation grant) (2) imaginaries on borders and citizenship in Greece and Turkey (the ISS Starter grant); (3) removal infrastructures of Syrians from Turkey and Lebanon (through Gerda Henkel Foundation grant); and (4) highly skilled (forced) migrants from economically and politically unstable contexts (through UNIC seed grant). The last one builds on previous research on diaspora politics, which I intend to develop as an independent research line in the coming years.

I am the coordinator and co-instructor of the MA course on Migration and Development at ISS (ISS 4270/ ISS 4271) and lecturer in the core course of the LDE joint MA programme in Governance of Migration and Diversity, as well as several ISS courses, namely the Research Paper Preparation course and Transitions for Social Justice Lab. I am also a member of the Research Degree Committee and member of the Leiden Delft Erasmus Center Governance of Migration and Diversity Academic Executive Board. Next to supervising MA and PhD students, I co-organize the Migration Research Seminar Series at ISS. I very much welcome MA and PhD students and postdoctoral fellows eager to work on topics related to my areas of interest.


International Institute of Social Studies

Assistant professor | Academic staff unit


  • Z (Zeynep) Kasli (6 December 2021) - Research InSightS LIVE #2 Seeking systemic action for refugees and migrants
  • Z (Zeynep) Kasli (19 November 2021) - Europe’s Achilles Heel: The asylum and migration regime unpacked
  • Z (Zeynep) Kasli, M (Marieke) van Houte, R (Rodrigo) Mena Fluhmann, DJM (Thea) Hilhorst & HM (Helen) Hintjens (5 September 2021) - Don't let our university researchers and students suffocate in Afghanistan

  • Zeynep Kasli (2023) - Where are we on durable solutions for Irregularized Humanitarian Migrants? (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Zeynep Kasli (2023) - 10th European Workshops in International Studies Workshops (Participant)
    Activity: Attending an event Academic
  • Zeynep Kasli (2023) - State of the Art Conference on Migration, Session on International migration cooperation: relations with third countries (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Zeynep Kasli (2023) - A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Zeynep Kasli & Nanneke Winters (2023) - EADI CEsA General Conference 2023 (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Zeynep Kasli (2023) - Politics of Corruption and the Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Popular
  • Zeynep Kasli (2022) - 19th Imiscoe Annual Conference (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Zeynep Kasli (2022) - Law and Society Annual Meeting 2022 (Participant)
    Activity: Attending an event Academic
  • Zeynep Kasli (2022) - Negotiating History and Diversity: The non-muslim urban past in today's Edirne (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Z (Zeynep) Kasli (2021) - Training Course Migration and Local Authorities (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional

4270 Migration and Development

Course Code

4271 People on the Move

Course Code

GMD5 Social Inequality in the City

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GMD2 Politics of Migration and Diversity

Course Code

GMD4 Sociology of Migration and Diversit

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5401 Research Paper

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GMD6 Legal perspectives on migration

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Master track GMD

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GMD1 Governance of Migration and Diversi

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GMD3 History of Migration and Diversity

Course Code

General Information

Course Code

3105 Research Paper Preparation

Course Code

4.1 Governance of Migration & Diversity

Course Code

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