(Thijs) MJ Lindner, MSc


Thijs Lindner is PhD-candidate within the Curious Constellations of Political Disputes project, which studies how groups in the Netherlands differently attribute meaning to the EU, the welfare state and development aid.

Within this project, Thijs focuses on how different groups view welfare. His research aims to: (1) uncover different conceptions of welfare, and (2) assess how these conceptions shape the response to welfare information. Specifically, he is interested in the variety of understandings people have about this subject, and how this connects to different viewpoints towards society as a whole.

He completed his BA in Sociology and his research master in Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, and specialized in multi-methods research designs, in cultural sociology, and in issues of migration and ethnic diversity. In previous research he focused on experiences of neighborhood heterogeneity, on different conceptions of ethnic diversity, and on perceptions of beauty standards.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Researcher | Policy, Politics and Society

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

External PhD candidate | Governance and Pluralism
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Thijs Lindner (10 October 2022) - Iets terugdoen voor je uitkering. Of dat sociaal is, is niet zo duidelijk.
  • Thijs Lindner (15 September 2022) - Sociale Vraagstukken - 'Zo zien burgers sociale zekerheid'

  • Thijs Lindner (2022) - What do stances on immigrants’ welfare entitlement mean? Evidence from a Correlational Class Analysis
  • Thijs Lindner (2022) - Does informing citizens about inequality increase support for Universal Basic Income? Evidence from a representative survey experiment
  • Thijs Lindner (2021) - Understanding perceptions of welfare benefits among the Dutch public: A focus Group Study
  • Thijs Lindner (2021) - What do people mean when they express welfare chauvinist attitudes? Evidence from a Correlational Class Analysis on Dutch survey data
  • Thijs Lindner (2021) - What do people mean when they express welfare chauvinist attitudes? Evidence from a Correlational Class Analysis on Dutch survey data

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