Suzana B. Rodrigues is Emeritus Professor of International Business and Organisation at the Department of Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).
Her research interests centers around firms’ strategies in and from emerging markets. She does research on firms’ strategic responses to different institutional environments. These include multinationals’ and small firms’ strategies in and from emerging markets.
The research on multinationals aims to contribute to theories of market and non-market strategies – how multinationals from both developed and emerging countries respond to market and institutional failures in host countries and their country of origin, while the research on SMEs focuses on entrepreneurial firms’ international strategies and their capacity to adapt and innovate in emerging and less developed countries. Her research appears in leading journals such as, Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Management Studies; Organization Studies; Human Relations; Journal of International Management; International Journal of Management and Governance;Corporate Governance: An International Review; Management International Review; Management & Organization Review
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Suzana B. Rodrigues & John Child (2023) - The role of corporations in addressing non-market institutional voids during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of an emerging economy - Journal of International Business Policy, 6 (1), 115-132 - doi: 10.1057/s42214-022-00141-0 - [link]
- Ana Filipa Pires de Almeida, Rob van Tulder & Suzana Rodrigues (2023) - Walking the Talk: Making the SDGs Core Business – An Integrated Framework - doi: 10.1108/s1745-886220230000017004
- Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Maryse M.H. Chappin & Suzana B. Rodrigues (2021) - Corporate Social Innovation in Developing Countries - Journal of Business Ethics - doi: 10.1007/s10551-021-04933-x - [link]
- Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Marleen Dieleman, Paul Hirsch, Suzana B. Rodrigues & Stelios Zyglidopoulos (2021) - Multinationals’ misbehavior - Journal of World Business, 56 (5) - doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2021.101244 - [link]
- Rob Van Tulder, Suzana B. Rodrigues, Hafiz Mirza & Kathleen Sexsmith (2021) - The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Can multinational enterprises lead the Decade of Action? - Journal of International Business Policy, 4 (1), 1-21 - doi: 10.1057/s42214-020-00095-1 - [link]
- JP Doh, Suzana Rodrigues, A Saka-Helmhout & MV Makhija (2017) - Guest editorial on "International business responses to institutional voids" - Journal of International Business Studies, 48 (3), 293-307 - doi: 10.1057/s41267-017-0074-z - [link]
- Diana Barbara Perra, Jatinder Sidhu, Henk Volberda & Suzana Rodrigues (2014) - Working across boundaries: The role of identity claims in boundary-spanning knowledge processes
- Diana Barbara Perra, Jatinder Sidhu, Henk Volberda & Suzana Rodrigues (2014) - Do strong identities hinder exploratory and exploitative innovation?
- J Child & Suzana Rodrigues (2014) - A Hierarquia e seus Descontentamentos
- Larissa Lugt, Suzana Rodrigues & R van den Berg (2014) - Co-evolution of the strategic reorientation of port actors: insights from the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Barcelona - Journal of Transport Geography, 41 (december), 197-209 - doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.09.008 - [link]
- Suzana Rodrigues (2009) - Terry Book Award for Contribution to Advancement of Management Knowledge
- Suzana Rodrigues (2007) - Festschrift
- Suzana Rodrigues (2003) - Award for outstanding contribution to the development of Masters programmes in Management
- Suzana Rodrigues (2002) - National award for outstanding contribution to organization studies
- Suzana Rodrigues (2001) - National award for outstanding contribution to the development of the Brazilian Academy of Management
- Suzana Rodrigues (1999) - Best Paper Award: Competition: Symbolic Bricolage and its Meanings for Managers