dr. SP (Steve) Kennedy


Steve Kennedy is Associate Professor researching business sustainability at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

His current research approaches how systems and resilience thinking can help organizations innovate to tackle grand societal challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Beyond this, he also undertakes qualitative and conceptual research on sustainability accounting and reporting, circular economy business models and responsible managment education. His research has featured in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Strategic Organization, Long Range Planning, Business & Society, and Business Strategy & the Environment.

Dr Kennedy is the Scientific Director of the Centre for Eco-Transformation. He is a member of the Organizations & Natural Environment division of the Academy of Management and the Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN).

He is the former Academic Director of the MSc Global Business & Sustainability (2015-2021) and is an active member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) network. He teaches across multiple levels of education from Executive Education to Bachelors including MSc courses Climate Change Strategy Role-Play and Business Sustainability & Social-Ecological Systems.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Associate professor | Department of Business-Society Management


News regarding dr. SP (Steve) Kennedy

Our biodiversity loss is off the radar at the moment – how can businesses help getting things right?

Steve Kennedy, Associate Professor Corporate sustainability at RSM, about our biodiversity loss and how businesses can help.