Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Researcher | Management and Organisation
More information
- Samantha Metselaar, Erik Hans Klijn, Laura den Dulk & Brenda Vermeeren (2023) - Did Leadership Become More Important During COVID-19?: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Servant Leadership on Performance and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction in a Public Organization - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 45 (1), 77-100 - doi: 10.1177/0734371X231198165 - [link]
- Samantha Alexandra Metselaar, Laura den Dulk & Brenda Vermeeren (2023) - Teleworking at Different Locations Outside the Office: Consequences for Perceived Performance and the Mediating Role of Autonomy and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 43 (3), 456-478 - doi: 10.1177/0734371X221087421 - [link]
- Erik Hans Klijn, Samantha Metselaar & Rianne Warsen (2023) - The effect of contract- and network management on performance and innovationin infrastructure projects - Public Money and Management, 44 (5), 428-437 - doi: 10.1080/09540962.2023.2204533 - [link]
- Samantha Metselaar, Laura den Dulk & Brenda Vermeeren (2023) - When home becomes the workplace: Work-life balance experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic - Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, 21, 3-30 - doi: 10.1108/S1530-353520230000021001
- Ingmar van Meerkerk, Michael Duijn, Rianne Warsen, S (Stefan) Verweij, Erik Hans Klijn, Joop Koppenjan & Samantha Metselaar (2022) - A mixed-methods comparison of the performance of Dutch PPP and non-PPP infrastructure projects - doi: 10.4337/9781800889200.00014 - [link]
- Joop Koppenjan, Erik Hans Klijn, S (Stefan) Verweij, Michael Duijn, Ingmar van Meerkerk, Samantha Metselaar & Rianne Warsen (2022) - The performance of public–private partnerships: An evaluation of 15 years DBFM in Dutch infrastructure governance - Public Performance & Management Review, 45 (5), 998-1028 - doi: 10.1080/15309576.2022.2062399
- Samantha Metselaar, Erik Hans Klijn, Laura den Dulk & Brenda Vermeeren (2022) - Does leadership become more important in public organizations during COVID-19? A longitudinal analysis on the impact of servant leadership on work-life balance satisfaction and performance.
3.4 Bachelor project
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-B3050