Salena Tramel is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, where her work is centered on the intersections of resource grabs and climate change mitigation, and the intertwining of (trans)national agrarian/social justice movements. In addition to her research at ISS, Salena draws on her global experience with social movements and grass- roots organizations to inform her work as a policy and communications consultant and freelance journalist. Prior to joining the academic community at ISS, Salena served as the program coor- dinator for the Middle East and Haiti at Grassroots International, where she oversaw two key geographical areas while developing pro-poor advocacy strategies at the US/UN levels. She holds an MA in Sustainable Development with concentrations in Policy Analysis and Advocacy and Conflict Transformation from the School for International Training and a BA in Romance Languages from Point Loma Nazarene University. She has language skills in French, Spanish, Arabic, Haitian Creole, and Romanian.
More information
- Salena Fay Tramel (2025) - Territory grabbing: agrarian perspectives on the unmaking and reclaiming of Palestinian sovereignty - Journal of Peasant Studies - doi: 10.1080/03066150.2025.2452388 - [link]
- Salena Tramel (2019) - The Tenure Guidelines in Policy and Practice: Democratizing Land Control in Guatemala - Land, 8 (11) - doi: 10.3390/land8110168 - [link]
- Christina Schiavoni, Salena Tramel, H Twomey & B Mongula (2018) - Analysing agricultural investment from the realities of small-scale food providers: grounding the debates - Third World Quarterly, 39 (7), 1348-1366 - doi: 10.1080/01436597.2018.1460198 - [link]
- Salena Tramel (2018) - Convergence as political strategy: Social justice movements, natural resources and climate change - Third World Quarterly, 39 (7), 1290-1307 - doi: 10.1080/01436597.2018.1460196
- Salena Tramel (2016) - The Road Through Paris: Climate Change, Carbon, and the Political Dynamics of Convergence - Globalizations, 13 (6), 960-969 - doi: 10.1080/14747731.2016.1173376
- Salena Tramel (2016) - Land and Ocean Grabs Not the Solution to Climate Change - [link]
- Christina Schiavoni, Salena Tramel & B Mongula (2016) - Alternative agricultural investment by and for small-scale food providers in Tanzania: A Right to Food & Food Sovereignty Perspective - [link]
- Salena Tramel & JL Caal Hub (2016) - Interpreting and using the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security in Guatemala: Challenges for democratizing land, fisheries and forests tenure - [link]
- Salena Tramel (2015) - Global Justice Movements Converge on Revolutionary Ground - [link]
- Salena Tramel (2015) - The Heat Is On: Via Campesina and Allies Challenge Climate Capitalism - [link]