prof.dr. MP (Pilar) Garcia Gomez


Pilar Garcia-Gomez is Professor of Applied Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics in the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute and the Erasmus Center for Health Economics Rotterdam.  

Her main research interests are in the intersection between health and labor economics. For example, current research focuses on i) the impact of policies and family events early in life on children and adolescents (mental) health and other outcomes later in life; ii) the impact of disability insurance policies on labor and health of the disabled and their families; iii) the effect of pollution and heat on health and health behaviors, iv) diversity in education; or v) gender inequalities in the labor market. 

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Health Economics


News regarding prof.dr. MP (Pilar) Garcia Gomez

Interview with Prof. Pilar GarcĂ­a-GĂłmez, the winner of the FAME Athena Award 2024

The FAME Athena Award was presented to Prof. Pilar GarcĂ­a-GĂłmez during the Dies Natalis. This award celebrates staff members and female talent.
Pilar GarcĂ­a-GĂłmez receives FAME Athena Award 2024 from Ellen van Schoten and Jane Murray Cramm.

Increasing the well-being of young people by using new technologies

Loes Keijsers and her team receive four million euros in funding for their research on preventing mental health problems in young people.

Mental health problems among university students call for policy action

In a blogpost of Economisch Statistische Berichten, Teresa Bago d’Uva, Pilar Garcia Gomez and Vahid Moghani elaborate on their findings about student wellbeing.