I am a post doctoral researcher in Economics at Bocconi University and a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute under the joint supervision of Dana Sisak and Olivier Marie. I am working on topics in Applied Microeconomics, with a focus on Political Economy.
In my PhD thesis, I explore questions surrounding the selection of policies and politicians making use of causal methods combined with text analysis on large scale data from social media and legislative documents. In particular I investigate the causal effect of loss of trust in government and its role in the provision of public goods as well as on the selection of politicians. In a second paper I explore the role of competition changes on the entry of politicians regarding their quality and identity.
Find my CV here.
More information
- Paul Bose (2025) - From preferences to policy: Essays in political economy
- Paul Bose, Eberhard Feess & Helge Mueller (2022) - Favoritism towards High-Status Clubs: Evidence from German Soccer - Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 38 (2), 422-478 - doi: 10.1093/jleo/ewab005 - [link]