prof.dr. MA (Mathijs) van Dijk


Mathijs A. van Dijk (see personal website for recent working papers, data, etc.) is professor of finance at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and scientific director at pension think tank Netspar. His research focuses on sustainable investments and climate finance. He has published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial EconomicsManagement Science, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, and the Review of Finance. Professor van Dijk has presented his work extensively at international conferences and seminars at academic institutions including, among others, Boston College, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, HEC Paris, INSEAD, and UCLA. He is also a frequent speaker at industry events and has written for practitioner-oriented journals such as the Financial Analysts Journal. His work has been covered by, e.g., The Economist, the New York Times, Volkskrant, NRC, VOXEU, the World Bank "All About Finance" blog, the Oxford Business Law Blog, and the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. Professor van Dijk has been a visiting graduate student at Warwick Business School and Princeton University and a visiting research scholar at the Ohio State University, Duke University, and UCLA. He obtained his MSc in Econometrics (cum laude) from Erasmus University and his PhD in Finance from Maastricht University. In 2008, he received a 600,000 euro Vidi-grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for a five-year research program on "Liquidity Black Holes". In 2014, he held his inaugural address as a finance professor (entitled “The Social Value of Finance”). 

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Finance

More information


  • Yvonne van Everdingen, Dirk Schoenmaker & Mathijs van Dijk (12 July 2023) - RSM projects receive conditional €multi-million grants from Dutch Nationaal Groeifonds
  • Mathijs van Dijk (2 December 2020) - Investors should always strive to understand observed performance
  • Robin Dottling, Thomas Lambert & Mathijs van Dijk (2 July 2020) - How banks affect investment and growth: New evidence
  • Mathijs van Dijk (15 April 2020) - How Bad Will European Economies Get? Key Challenges For Each Country

  • Mathijs Dijk (2017) - Journal of Empirical Finance (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Editorial work Academic

  • Mathijs Cosemans, Xander Hut & Mathijs van Dijk (2021) - GRASFI Annual Meeting - Best Paper Award

SPO (Stichting Pensioen Opleidingen)

Start date approval
June 2022
End date approval
December 2024
Lid, Actualiteiten Agenda

PGGM Vermogensbeheer

Start date approval
June 2022
End date approval
June 2025
Member of the Academic Review Board

Stichting Pensioenfonds ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

Start date approval
July 2023
End date approval
June 2026
External member of the investment committee

Stichting Pensioenfonds ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

Start date approval
July 2024
End date approval
June 2027
External member of the investment committee


Year Level
master, IM/CEMS, Exchange, ERIM
Course Code

  • Thuy Nguyen

    Capital Structure, Strategic Competition, and Governance
  • Melissa Porras Prado

    The Long and Short Side of Real Estate, Real Estate Stocks, and Equity
  • Arco van Oord

    Essays on Momentum Strategies in Finance
  • Thijs Markwat

    Extreme Dependence in Asset Markets Around the Globe
  • Yu Wang

    Information Content of Mutual Fund Portfolio Disclosure
  • Dimitrios Vagias

    Liquidity, Investors, and International Capital Markets
  • Ruben Cox

    To Own, To Finance, and To Insure; Residential Real Estate Revealed
  • Teodor Dyakov

    Empirical Studies on Actively Managed Mutual Funds: New Insights into the Costs and Benefits of Portfolio Disclosure
  • Dominik Rösch

    Market Efficiency and Liquidity
  • Teng Wang

    Essays in Banking and Corporate Finance
  • Ivana Naumovska

    Socially Situated Financial Markets:a Neo-Behavioral Perspective on Firms, Investors and Practices
  • Saskia ter Ellen

    Measurement, dynamics, and implications of heterogeneous beliefs in financial markets
  • Justinas Brazys

    Aggregated macroeconomic news and price discovery
  • Darya Yuferova

    Price Discovery, Liquidity Provision, and Low-Latency Trading
  • Vlado Kysucky

    Access to Finance in a Cross-Country Context
  • Rogier Hanselaar

    Raising capital: On pricing, liquidity, and incentives
  • Roy Verbeek

    Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Jose Albuquerque de Sousa

    International stock markets: Essays on the determinants and consequences of financial market development
  • Johan Duyvesteyn

    Empirical studies on sovereign fixed income markets
  • Romulo Trindade Tomé Marques Alves

    Information Transmission in Finance: Essays on Commodity Markets, Sustainable Investing, and Social Networks
  • Ghassan Chammas

    Portfolio Concentration
  • Xiaowei Kang

    Project Xiaowei Kang
  • Xander Hut

    Financial Markets and Investment Strategies
  • Lingtian Kong

    Essays on Financial Coordination
  • Georgi Kyosev

    Essays on Factor Investing
  • Eline ten Bosch

    The impact of country SDG performance on sovereign bond spreads
  • Jean-Paul Guyon van Brakel

    PhD in Finance
  • Gelly Fu

    Agency Problems in the Mutual Fund Industry
  • Marloes Hagens

    Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing
  • Francesca Caucci

    PhD in Finance
  • Koen-Jan Leendert van den Bosch

    Values in Finance
  • Xiaonan Wang

    ESG Rating Disagreement and Corporate Bonds
  • Xiaowei Kang

    The Intersection of Asset Allocation and Factor Investing

News regarding prof.dr. MA (Mathijs) van Dijk

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