Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
PhD candidate | Department of History
More information
- Martijn van der Meer (2024) - Sown Without Care: Dutch Eugenicists and their Call for Optimising Developmental Conditions, 1919-1939 - Social History of Medicine, 37 (3), 473-493 - doi: 10.1093/shm/hkae002 - [link]
- Martijn van der Meer & Noortje Jacobs (2024) - When Infant Mortality Was Born: Dutch Preventive Child Health Care without the State, 1890–1930 - European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health, 81 (2), 209-240 - doi: 10.1163/26667711-BJA10039 - [link]
- Year Level
- BA-2, BA-2
Bachelor Thesis
- Year Level
- BA-3, BA-3, Pre-master