Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Assistant professor | Clinical Psychology
More information
- Judith Rohde, Marta A. Marciniak, Mirka Henninger, Stephanie Homan, Anja Ries, Christina Paersch, Olivia Friedman, Adam D. Brown & Birgit Kleim (2024) - Effects of a digital self-efficacy training in stressed university students: A randomized controlled trial - PLoS ONE, 19 (10) - doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0305103 - [link]
- Marta Anna Marciniak, Lilly Shanahan, Inez Myin-Germeys, Ilya Milos Veer, Kenneth S.L. Yuen, Harald Binder, Henrik Walter, Erno J. Hermans, Raffael Kalisch & Birgit Kleim (2024) - Imager—A mobile health mental imagery-based ecological momentary intervention targeting reward sensitivity: A randomized controlled trial - Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16 (2), 576-596 - doi: 10.1111/aphw.12505 - [link]
- Marta Anna Marciniak, Lilly Shanahan, Kenneth S L Yuen, Ilya Milos Veer, Henrik Walter, Oliver Tuescher, Dorota Kobylińska, Raffael Kalisch, Erno Hermans, Harald Binder & Birgit Kleim (2024) - Burst versus continuous delivery design in digital mental health interventions: Evidence from a randomized clinical trial - Digital Health, 10 - doi: 10.1177/20552076241249267
- Clemens von Wulffen, Marta Anna Marciniak, Judith Rohde, Raffael Kalisch, Harald Binder, Oliver Tuescher & Birgit Kleim (2023) - German Version of the Mobile Agnew Relationship Measure: Translation and Validation Study - Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25 (1) - doi: 10.2196/43368 - [link]
- Sophie A. Bögemann, Lara M.C. Puhlmann, Carolin Wackerhagen, Matthias Zerban, Antje Riepenhausen, Göran Köber, Kenneth S.L. Yuen, Shakoor Pooseh, Marta A. Marciniak, Zala Reppmann, Aleksandra Uści Ko, Jeroen Weermeijer, Dionne B. Lenferink, Julian Mituniewicz, Natalia Robak, Nina C. Donner, Merijn Mestdagh, Stijn Verdonck, Rolf van Dick, Birgit Kleim, Klaus Lieb, Judith M.C. van Leeuwen, Dorota Kobylińska, Inez Myin-Germeys, Henrik Walter, Oliver Tüscher, Erno J. Hermans, Ilya M. Veer & Raffael Kalisch (2023) - Psychological Resilience Factors and Their Association With Weekly Stressor Reactivity During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Europe: Prospective Longitudinal Study - JMIR Mental Health, 10 (1) - doi: 10.2196/46518 - [link]
- S. A. Bögemann, A. Riepenhausen, L. M.C. Puhlmann, S. Bar, E. J.C. Hermsen, J. Mituniewicz, Z. C. Reppmann, A. Uściƚko, J. M.C. van Leeuwen, C. Wackerhagen, K. S.L. Yuen, M. Zerban, J. Weermeijer, M. A. Marciniak, N. Mor, A. van Kraaij, G. Köber, S. Pooseh, P. Koval, A. Arias-Vásquez, H. Binder, W. De Raedt, B. Kleim, I. Myin-Germeys, K. Roelofs, J. Timmer, O. Tüscher, T. Hendler, D. Kobylińska, I. M. Veer, R. Kalisch, E. J. Hermans & H. Walter (2023) - Investigating two mobile just-in-time adaptive interventions to foster psychological resilience: research protocol of the DynaM-INT study - BMC psychology, 11 (1) - doi: 10.1186/s40359-023-01249-5 - [link]
- Judith Rohde, Marta Anna Marciniak, Mirka Henninger, Stephanie Homan, Christina Paersch, Stephan T. Egger, Erich Seifritz, Adam D. Brown & Birgit Kleim (2023) - Investigating Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Mood, and Anxiety Using Digital Technologies: Randomized Controlled Trial - JMIR Formative Research, 7 - doi: 10.2196/45749 - [link]
- Carolin Wackerhagen, Ilya M. Veer, Judith M.C. van Leeuwen, Zala Reppmann, Antje Riepenhausen, Sophie A. Bögemann, Netali Mor, Lara M.C. Puhlmann, Aleksandra Uściko, Matthias Zerban, Julian Mituniewicz, Avigail Lerner, Kenneth S.L. Yuen, Göran Köber, Marta A. Marciniak, Shakoor Pooseh, Jeroen Weermeijer, Alejandro Arias-Vásquez, Harald Binder, Walter de Raedt, Birgit Kleim, Inez Myin-Germeys, Karin Roelofs, Jens Timmer, Oliver Tüscher, Talma Hendler, Dorota Kobylińska, Erno J. Hermans, Raffael Kalisch & Henrik Walter (2023) - Dynamic Modelling of Mental Resilience in Young Adults: Protocol for a Longitudinal Observational Study (DynaM-OBS) - JMIR Research Protocols, 12 - doi: 10.2196/39817 - [link]
- Marta Anna Marciniak, Lilly Shanahan, Harald Binder, Raffael Kalisch & Birgit Kleim (2023) - Positive Prospective Mental Imagery Characteristics in Young Adults and Their Associations with Depressive Symptoms - Cognitive Therapy and Research, 47 (4), 695-706 - doi: 10.1007/s10608-023-10378-5 - [link]
3.6P Neuropsych. Diagnostics II
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWP3049K