**Maria Grever** (1953) is professor em. Theory and Methodology of History and founding director of the Center for Historical Culture at Erasmus School of History, Culture & Communication (ESHCC). She is currently research fellow at NL-Lab of the KNAW Humanities Cluster.
Her research interests are historical culture, historical consciousness, historiography; collective memory, nation, identity; heritage, history education, popular culture; monarchy, political culture, gender.
She studied Social and Economic History at the Radboud Unversity Nijmegen (graduation 1981) and defended her PhD thesis on gender and historiography (1994) at the same university. Her cum laude dissertation won the SNS-Bank Award of the Nijmegen University for best PhD dissertation at the recommendation of an academic jury.
In 2002-2007, Grever was at Erasmus University Rotterdam a board member of the Faculty of History and Art Studies (FHKW), and director of BA/MA Programs History. In 2017-2020 she was head of the History Department, and board member of the ESHCC. She successfully coordinated (external) assessments of the history program and history research in the ESHCC.
In 2006 she founded the Center for Historical Culture at Erasmus University which produces academic research on historical culture. The Center organizes lectures and conferences, the publication of scholarly results, the promotion of (inter)national cooperation and exchange, and attracts national and international PhD-students and post-docs. The Center strives to bridge the gap between the academic world and the popular / educational sector by initiating, maintaining and extending cooperative relationships with various institutions.
Grever was also program leader of several research projects - e.g. Paradoxes of De-Canonization (2004-2007) and Heritage Education, Plurality of Narratives and Shared Historical Knowledge (2009-2014), both funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). From 2015-2021 she is leader of the research program War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts; co-leader is prof.dr. Stijn Reijnders. She is supervisor of several PhD dissertations. Since 2010 Grever is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW). Over the years she has been involved and still is as president or board member of KNAW committees, national foundations, advisory boards, editorial boards of journals, and other professional (historical) organizations. In november 2015, she received the first ENVH Athena Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to the promotion of female talent within science in general and within Erasmus University Rotterdam in particular.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Maria Grever (2025) - Traces of existence: public monuments and the dead - Rethinking History, 29 (1), 1-21 - doi: 10.1080/13642529.2025.2470486
- Maria Grever (2025) - Monuments as Actants of Mnemonic Change
- Maria Grever (2024) - Verhalen op sokkels. Omstreden monumenten in een veranderend herinneringslandschap - Holland Historisch Tijdschrift, 56 (04), 148-157
- Maria Grever (2024) - Tijd dringt voor nationaal monument voor slachtoffers en nabestaanden Srebrenica - De Volkskrant, 20 - [link]
- Maria Grever (2024) - In Memoriam Willem Frijhoff (1942-2024) - [link]
- Maria Grever (2024) - "Meer mogelijkheden voor standbeeld J.P. Coen. Interview met Maria Grever" - [link]
- Maria Grever (2023) - Wankele sokkels.: Omstreden monumenten in de openbare ruimte - [link]
- Maria Grever & Susan Legêne (2023) - Histories of an old Empire: The Ever-Changing Acknowledgement of Dutch Imperialism as a Present Past
- Maria Grever (2023) - Historical consciousness and controversial statues in a postcolonial world: the case of Missionary Peerke Donders (1809–1887) - History of Education, 52 (6), 1000-1014 - doi: 10.1080/0046760X.2023.2226666 - [link]
- Maria Grever (2023) - Historisch besef en koloniaal verleden: Veranderende interpretaties in het onderwijs - Kleio: Tijdschrift van de Vereniging van Geschiedenisleraren in Nederland, 64 (1), 20-24
- Maria Grever (25 April 2022) - Television interview about Queen Wilhelmina
- MCR (Maria) Grever (6 January 2022) - Democratie steunt op kritische benadering van het verleden
- MCR (Maria) Grever (23 June 2021) - Geschiedenisonderwijs moet steunen op levende geschiedenis. Interview met Maria Grever
- Maria Grever (30 June 2020) - Interview on the importance of historical monuments and statues and Maria Grevers new book Inescapable past
- Maria Grever (27 June 2020) - Hoe de geschiedenis ons tot vervelends toe blijft inhalen
- Maria Grever (15 April 2020) - Over het ritueel van Koningsdag in coronatijd
- Maria Grever & T Hofland (9 November 2018) - Geschiedenis bestaat 40 jaar op de Erasmus Universiteit, Interview with Maria Grever and Alex van Stipriaan in Erasmus Magazine
- Maria Grever & F Rusman (12 June 2018) - Heeft de Canon van Nederland een glazen plafond? Interview met Maria Grever in NRC Handelsblad pp. 12-13
- Maria Grever & G Bijl (1 January 2018) - Genderview Maria Grever: #MeToo-beweging: een historisch keerpunt
- Maria Grever (29 August 2017) - Historicidagen - KNHG
- Pieter Van den Heede & Maria Grever (2024) - Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (KNHG) - Debat: Het Verhaal van de Lage Landen (Spui25, Amsterdam) (Participant)
Activity: Attending an event › Academic - Maria Grever (2024) - Traces of Existence: Public Monuments and the Dead (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Robbert-Jan Adriaansen & Maria Grever (2023) - Controversial Monuments and the Changing of Mnemonic Regimes (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Maria Grever (2023) - Toelichting op het KNAW-adviesrapport Wankele sokkels. Omstreden monumenten in de openbare ruimte (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Robbert-Jan Adriaansen & Maria Grever (2023) - Ethische en professionele normen voor historisch onderzoek (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Maria Grever (2023) - "Necropolitics and Caring for the Dead. Considerations on Controversial Monuments". (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Maria Grever (2022) - Reading a Controversial Statue in the Public Sphere from Local and Postcolonial Perspectives: the Case of Missionary Peerke Donders (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Maria Grever (2022) - Verdichting, epische concentratie en canonvorming. Inleiding op de gespreksavond over de Canon van Vlaanderen (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Maria Grever (2021) - "Het monument als steen des aanstoots" (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Maria Grever (2021) - "Omstreden standbeelden" (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2018) - LEaDing Fellowship grant for Postdoc Dr. Cecilia Biaggi
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2017) - EUR Erasmus Initiative grant Vital Cities and Citizens on PhD project "Performing Urban Pasts: Historical reenactments with Sensitive Heritage", matching with the History department
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2016) - KNAW grant for the international symposium: POSTWAR CITIES. Sensitive heritage in a globalizing historical culture
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2015) - ENVH Athena Award EUR 2015 in recognition of outstanding contribution to the promotion of female talent within science in general and within Erasmus University Rotterdam in particular.
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever & S. Reijnders (2014) - EUR Research Excellence Initiative grant (€ 407.000) after competition with international reviewers for the research program 'War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts'. Main applicant: Maria Grever; co-applicant: Stijn Reijnders. Three research projects. Collaboration with Erasmus Studio and NIOD. Matching from the ESHCC.
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2014) - EUR Incentive grant (€ 8.300)
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2013) - Appointed as Honorary Board Member EUROCLIO
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2012) - Foundation Remembrance of Slavery 2013 / Erasmus Trustfonds grant related to NWO project: Dynamic heritage education in the Netherlands
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2012) - Erfgoed Nederland grant for PhD project: Omgang met oorlogserfgoed. WW II in de populaire cultuur.
- Maria Christina Rosalia Grever (2012) - Erfgoed Nederland additional grant endowed chair Historical Culture and Education
- MCR (Maria) Grever & Stephan Klein (2011) - Dynamic Heritage Education in the Netherlands
- MCR (Maria) Grever & CAM van Boxtel (2009) - Heritage Education, Plurality of Narratives and Shared Historical Knowledge
- MCR (Maria) Grever & CR (Kees) Ribbens (2006) - National Identity in Context. A common past in the Netherlands?
- MCR (Maria) Grever, S (Siep) Stuurman & CR (Kees) Ribbens (2005) - International Conference "Beyond the canon. History for the Twenty-First Century"
- MCR (Maria) Grever & S (Siep) Stuurman (2003) - Paradoxes of De-canonisation. New Forms of Cultural Transmission in History
Research fellow
- Start date approval
- October 2020