Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
PhD candidate | Department of Technology and Operations Management
More information
- Kaveh Azadeh, Debjit Roy, Rene de Koster & Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi (2025) - Zoning Strategies for Human-Robot Collaborative Picking - Decision Sciences, 56 (1), 50-70 - doi: 10.1111/deci.12620 - [link]
- Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi, Debjit Roy & Rene de Koster (2024) - Exploiting travel sequences to optimise facility layouts with multiple input/output points - International Journal of Production Research - doi: 10.1080/00207543.2024.2443798 - [link]
- Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi, Debjit Roy & Rene de Koster (2022) - A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Worker Productivity by Optimizing Facility Layout - [link]
- Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi, Debjit Roy & Rene de Koster (2024) - IISE Annual Conference best student paper award 2024 for the paper “Human-Robot Matching Policies in Order Picking Systems using Queuing Models”
- Rene de Koster, Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi & Debjit Roy (2022) - POMS OPEX best paper finalist
- Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi, Debjit Roy & Rene de Koster (2022) - POMS OPEX best paper finalist for the paper "A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Worker Productivity by Optimizing Facility Layout"