External PhD candidate
- duchi@essb.eur.nl
More information
- Lorenzo Duchi, Ginie Servant, Lois Kooij & Liesbeth Eelens (2023) - The “Sweet Spot” for Reflection in Problem-oriented Education: Insights From Phenomenographic Action-research - Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 11 (1), 1-35 - doi: 10.54337/ojs.jpblhe.v11i1.7370 - [link]
- Lorenzo Duchi, D Lombardi, Fred Paas & Sofie Loyens (2020) - How a growth mindset can change the climate: the power of implicit beliefs in influencing people's view and action - Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70 - doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101461 - [link]