**Liesbet van Zoonen is professor of Sociology and dean of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities at Erasmus University Rotterdam.** Professor Van Zoonen joined the department as professor in Popular Culture in March 2009. Previously, she worked at the University of Amsterdam, among others as head of the Department of Communication, and till December 2015 she was professor in Media and Communication at Loughborough University (UK). She also held various positions at other universities in the world, most notably as professor II at Oslo University, and as visiting professor at the University of the West Indies (Jamaica) and the Hochschüle für Film und Fernsehen (Germany). Her research covers a wide range of issues in the social sciences and humanities, but all concern the question whether and how digital and popular culture is a relevant resource for civic understanding and social participation. Her work currently is focused on civic engagement and governance in smart cities. She leads the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities:
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Lieke Oldenhof, Margot Kersing & Liesbet van Zoonen (2024) - Sphere transgressions in the Dutch digital welfare state: causing harm to citizens when legal rules, ethical norms and quality procedures are lacking - Information Communication and Society, 27 (15), 2704-2720 - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2358163 - [link]
- Emiel A. Rijshouwer & Liesbet van Zoonen (2023) - Doing research with a Gamified survey: Reflections from smart city research - Social Science Computer Review, 41 (4), 1363-1380 - doi: 10.1177/08944393211073508 - [link]
- Merel Schuring, Lex Burdorf, Marco Stam, Marike Knoef, Margot Kersing & Liesbet van Zoonen (2023) - Re-integratie in BOLD Cities II: Wat zijn de kansen, risico’s en (on)mogelijkheden in het gebruik van Big Data om de effectiviteit en kwaliteit van gemeentelijke re-integratie te verbeteren?: eindrapportage
- Margot Kersing, Liesbet van Zoonen, Kim Putters & Lieke Oldenhof (2022) - The changing roles of frontline bureaucrats in the digital welfare state: The case of a data dashboard in Rotterdam’s Work and Income department - Data & Policy, 4 (E24) - doi: 10.1017/dap.2022.16 - [link]
- Emiel A. Rijshouwer, Els M. Leclercq & Liesbet van Zoonen (2022) - Public views of the smart city: Towards the construction of a social problem - Big Data and Society, 9 (1) - doi: 10.1177/20539517211072190 - [link]
- Vivien Butot & Liesbet van Zoonen (2022) - Contesting Infrastructural Futures: 5G Opposition as a Technological Drama - Science, Technology & Human Values, 49 (5), 1017-1044 - doi: 10.1177/01622439221147347 - [link]
- JM (Jiska) Engelbert, A (Aksel) Ersoy, Ellen Van Bueren & EA (Liesbet) van Zoonen (2021) - Capitalizing on the “public turn”: New possibilities for citizens and civil servants in smart city-making - Journal of Urban Technology - doi: 10.1080/10630732.2021.1963647 - [link]
- Andrea Mauri, Achilleas Psyllidis, Alessandro Bozzon, Ju Sung Lee, Jason Pridmore, Liesbet Van Zoonen & Sarah Giest (2021) - Complementing studies on vulnerable youths with reddit data - doi: 10.1145/3464385.3464703 - [link]
- Anne Fleur Van Veenstra, EA (Liesbet) van Zoonen & Natali Helberger (2021) - ELSA labs for human centric innovation in AI
- Liesbet Van Zoonen (2020) - Performance and participation in the panopticon: Instruments for civic engagement with urban surveillance technologies - doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-42523-4_17 - [link]
- EA (Liesbet) van Zoonen (2021) - Publieke Waarden of Publiek Conflict (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Liesbet Zoonen (2019) - Wetten, kwaliteit en ethiek. (Hoe) verder met big data in het sociaal domein (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - EA (Liesbet) van Zoonen (2017) - Chair of Board CLICKNL, Knowledge and Innovation Platform Dutch Creative Industries (External organisation) (Chair)
Activity: Membership of board › Professional - EA (Liesbet) van Zoonen (2016) - Chair of supervisory board Waag Society (External organisation) (Chair)
Activity: Membership of board › Professional - Samira Bohemen, Liesbet Zoonen & SD Aupers (2012) - Embodying the Fantasy. The Role of Fun and Fantasy in the Negotiations of Gender Performed by the "Red Hat Society" (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Liesbet Zoonen (2009) - Vrouwen en lokale politiek (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Liesbet Zoonen (2009) - Mediapaniek of Mediaproblemen? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional
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- January 2021
- End date approval
- December 9999
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- Member of Board of Supervisors
- Start date approval
- January 2021
- End date approval
- December 9999
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- Chair of the board
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- January 2021
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- December 9999
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- Chair of the board
Breda University of Applied Sciences
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- January 2022
- End date approval
- December 9999
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- Member of board of supervisors
3.1 Smart and Shared Cities II
- Year
- 2023
- Course Code
3.1 Smart and Shared Cities I
- Year
- 2023
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