Koen van Eijck is professor of Cultural Lifestyles and head of the Examination Board of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
He also serves as a Board Member of the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC) and is a member of editorial Boards of the journals Poetics and Kunst + Educatie.
He teaches courses on the philosophy of science, cultural consumption, research methodology and sociology in the Bachelor's and (Research) Master’s programmes of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. His research and publications focus on social inequality in cultural participation, taste patterns and trends in leisure behavior and media use in general, talent development and art perception and appreciaton, with a focus on both music and visual art.
Koen van Eijck studied developmental psychology at Nijmegen University. In 1996, he received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Tilburg. His thesis examined the impact of family background on education, occupation, and consumption.
Van Eijck was a post-doctoral fellow at the Faculty of Arts of Tilburg University, held a similar position at the Department of Sociology of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, was assistant professor at the Department of Leisure Studies in Tilburg, and became associate professor at the Department of Sociology at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). In 2007, he joined the Department of Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Kim Dankoor & Koen van Eijck (2024) - Redactioneel - Cultuur + Educatie, 67, 4-7 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2024) - Kinderen, muziek en onderwijs
- Antonia Becker, Emy van der Valk Bouman, Julian Schaap, Koen van Eijck, Cecile de Vos, Hans Jeekel & Markus Klimek (2024) - A multidisciplinary approach on music induced-analgesia differentiated by socio-cultural background in healthy volunteers (MOSART): A cross-over randomized controlled trial protocol - Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 39, 1-25 - doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101313
- Koen van Eijck (2024) - Work hard, play hard: on the reciprocity of work conditions and leisure lifestyles - doi: 10.4337/9781803922348.00012 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2023) - Connecting, Broadening, Imagining: Children and Art - [link]
- Kamile Grusauskaite & Koen van Eijck (2022) - Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out?: A Typology of Psychedelic Microdosing as Technologies of the Self - Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 7 (1), 1-12 - doi: 10.20897/jcasc/12255 - [link]
- Michaël Berghman, Thomas Calkins, Koen van Eijck & Yu Chin Her (2022) - The female nude and the naked guy: declarative and nondeclarative personal culture in aesthetic responses to artistic nude photography - American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 11 (4), 419-443 - doi: 10.1057/s41290-022-00152-7 - [link]
- Suzanne Abrahamse, Eva Frijns & Koen van Eijck (2022) - Koen van Eijck over de magie van sociologie: een interview over cultuur, methodologische strijd en de academische eredivisie - Tijdschrift Sociologie, 3, 241-246 - doi: 10.38139/TS.2022.16
- Koen van Eijck (2021) - Ander publiek vereist vooral ander aanbod - Boekman, 129 (winter 2021-2022), 4-7
- A Erdbrink, Janna Michael, R Kortmann, M Hamel, Koen van Eijck & A Verbraeck (2021) - Listening space: An exploratory case study on a persuasive game designed to enrich the experience of classical music concerts - Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 14 (4), 1-20 - doi: 10.1145/3458677 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2021) - Home is where the art is - [link]
- Femke Vandenberg, Michael Berghman & Koen van Eijck (2020) - ‘Wear Clogs and just Act Normal’: Defining Collectivity in Dutch Domestic Music Concerts - Cultural Sociology (print), 1-19 - doi: 10.1177/1749975520961618 - [link]
- Femke Vandenberg, Michael Berghman & Koen van Eijck (2019) - A Taste for Collective Effervescence: A study into the taste patterns of the national music consumer
- Koen van Eijck, Janna Michael & MI Diaz (2019) - Worse than Screaming Frogs or a Warm Blanket? The Impact of Repeated Listening on How People Experience Music
- Femke Vandenberg, Michael Berghman & Koen van Eijck (2019) - A Taste for Collective Effervescence
- Julian Schaap, Koen van Eijck & Janna Michael (2019) - Cultuursociologie in de lage landen - Sociologie, 14 (2/3), 75-85 - doi: 10.5117/SOC2018.2/3.001.SCHA - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2019) - De waarde van kunst voor de samenleving - Christen Democratische Verkenningen, lente 2019, 75-80 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2019) - De Zevenmijlslaarzen van Heinz Bude - Sociologie, 15 (1), 104-108 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (2019) - Onopvallende leefstijlen in beeld - Sociologie Magazine, 27 (2), 6-8 - [link]
- Koen van Eijck (15 December 2022) - Over smaak valt wel te twisten
- Koen van Eijck (28 October 2022) - Weg van het paternalisme in het cultuurbeleid: Geef ruimte aan nieuwe makers.
- Koen van Eijck (11 June 2022) - Hoe natuurwijn een statussymbool werd onder jonge stedelingen
- Koen Eijck (24 October 2019) - Wordt muziek mooier als je het vaker hoort? Deze professor gaat het voor ons onderzoeken
- Koen Eijck (18 February 2014) - Hoe staat de kunstsector er nu voor?
- Koen van Eijck (2024) - Kunst als Verbinder? (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Popular - Koen van Eijck (2024) - Boekman. Tijdschrift voor Kunst, Cultuur en Beleid (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activity: Editorial work › Professional - Koen van Eijck & Kim Dankoor (2024) - Cultuur + Educatie (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activity: Editorial work › Professional - Koen van Eijck (2023) - Verbinding, verbreding, verbeelding: Kinderen en kunst (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Koen van Eijck (2023) - Gabber in its socio-cultural context (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Popular - CJM (Koen) van Eijck (2021) - Into culture: the impact of visitor data on the cultural sector (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - CJM (Koen) van Eijck (2021) - Into culture: the cultivation survey (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Michael Berghman, Julian Schaap, Koen Eijck, Willem Koster & Jeroen Waal (2020) - Learning from Latency in Sociological Research: Using the Implicit Association Test to make sense of Timed-Surveys (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Femke Vandenberg, Michael Berghman & Koen Eijck (2020) - "Walk on clogs and just act normal": defining collectivity in Dutch domestic music (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Koen Eijck, Michael Berghman & YCh Ho (2019) - Male and female nudity in artistic photography: Gendered patterns in explicit and implicit categorization (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Pauwke Berkers, Koen van Eijck & Kjell Noordzij (2018) - NSV Artikelprijs
- Pauwke Berkers, Koen van Eijck & K. Noordzij (2018) - Ik ben niet zo rijk, misschien wel gelukkiger: Interpretatiewijzen van portretteringen van sociale klassen in realitytelevisie
- Start date approval
- May 2023
- End date approval
- May 2026
- Place
- Description
- voorzitter begeleidingscommissie cultuurmonitor
- Start date approval
- May 2023
- End date approval
- May 2026
- Place
- Description
- lid redactieraad tijdschrift Cultuur + Educatie
Sociology of Arts and Culture A
- Level
- Pre-master
- Year Level
- Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC1003A
Cultural Participation and Taste
- Year Level
- MA, MA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC4030
Master Thesis Class ACS
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC4008
Academic Skills
- Year Level
- BA-1, BA-1, Pre-master, Pre-master, Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC1008
Research Traineeship
- Level
- MA-1
- Year Level
- MA-1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CS5008
Sociology of Arts and Culture
- Year Level
- BA-1, BA-1, Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC1003
Training Intercultural Communication
- Level
- BA-1
- Year Level
- BA-1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC0002