In Dutch
Ik ben opgeleid tot verpleegkundige (MBO-V en Deeltijd HBO-V) en werkte een aantal jaren als verpleegkundige. Daarna studeerde ik in deeltijd Verzorging en Beleid aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Dit is een studie die gericht is op het maken van beleid voor alle door de verzorgingsstaat gefinancieerde organisaties. Na deze opleiding heb ik gewerkt als stafmedewerker/adviseur/manager stafbureau in verschillende ziekenhuizen en bij een wetenschappelijke vereniging. Het accent van mijn werkzaamheden lag vooral op het verbeteren van het primaire processen en kwaliteitszorg. In 2003/2004 heb ik de opleiding Advanced Change Methodology bij het Sioo (een interuniversitair centrum voor organiseren, veranderen, vernieuwen en leren) gevolgd. Deze opleiding resulteerde in het verkrijgen van de Mastergraad Master of Change Management (MCM).
Sinds 2005 heb ik een zelfstandige adviespraktijk en begeleid ik diverse zorginstellingen bij veranderkundige opdrachten.
In English
I am a Registered Nurse (MBO-V and part-time HBO-V) and worked as a RN for several years. Afterwards, I studied parttime Care and Policy at the University of Amsterdam. This is study teaches policy making for all organisations which are paid by our Welfare-state. After this study, I worked as an advisor, consultant and manager of the staff office in several hospitals and at a medical association. In all these jobs I focused on improving primary processes and quality. In 2003/2004 I followed a course Advanced Change Methodology at the Sioo (an inter-University centre for to organization, change, innovation and learning). This course resulted in obtaining the master degree Master of Change Management (MCM).
Since 2005 I have a consulting practice advising and leading change, organizational development and innovation in several care organizations.
Fields of Interest & Projects
Change management, improvement, innovation, care programming, e-health.
2018 - present Nurse leadership and excellent care
2018 - 2020 BigMedilytics, an EU funded research on the sociology of Big Data as an innovation
2017 - present Self-organization/ self-steering in shaping new professions
2017 - present Measuring and intervening to increase a positive work environment in hospitals
2016 - 2018 Governance for quality and steering with quality and safety dashboards
2015 - 2016 Quality and Safety officers in guiding quality work
2014 - 2015 Networks of organizations with the objective to improve quality and safety
2010 - 2014 QUASER, an EU funded qualitative research on quality and safety in hospitals in Portugal, Sweden, Norway, England and the Netherlands
2008 - 2010 Action Research on Erasmus MC care pathway development, focusing on team development in combination with sustainable change
2006 - 2008 Action Research in Faster Better program, a Dutch collaborative of 24 hospitals focusing on the breakthrough methodology in the field of patient safety, quality improvement and patient participation through the development of leadership and improvement projects.
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
More information
- Annemarie J.B.M. de Vos, Eline de Kok, Susanne M. Maassen, Monique Booy & Anne Marie J.W.M. Weggelaar-Jansen (2024) - Learning from a crisis: a qualitative study on how nurses reshaped their work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic - BMC Nursing, 23 (1) - doi: 10.1186/s12912-024-02177-4 - [link]
- Pauline Hulter, Anne Marie J.W.M. Weggelaar-Jansen, Kees Ahaus & Bettine Pluut (2024) - Patient discourses on real-time access to test results via hospital portals: a discourse analysis of semistructured interviews with Dutch patients - BMJ open, 14 (11) - doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-088201 - [link]
- S. C. Munshi, A. M. Weggelaar-Jansen, A. van den Berg-Bakker, L. M.G. Blanchette, H. W.Harmsen van der Vliet-Torij, M. W. Hodes, M. van ‘t Hof, M. P.Lambregtse van den Berg, L. van der Meer, H. E. Ernst-Smelt & H. H. Bijma (2024) - Improving integrated care for (future) parents facing vulnerable circumstances in the early life course of their (future) child: An action research protocol - PLoS ONE, 19 (10) - doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0305557 - [link]
- Sabine Adriana Johanna Josepha op Thoog, Mariëlle van Mersbergen-De Bruin, Nikki Laurina Mathilda Damen, Wendy Chaboyer, Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen, Anne M. Eskes, Lilian Christina Maria Vloet & Hester Vermeulen (2024) - Learning by Visualize a Nurse-Led CCOS Using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method - Journal of Patient Safety - doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000001293 - [link]
- L. van der Meer, H. E. Ernst-Smelt, M. P. Lambregtse-van den Berg, M. van ’t Hof, A. M. Weggelaar-Jansen & H. H. Bijma (2024) - Exploring perceptions of vulnerability among women facing psychosocial adversity before, during and after pregnancy: A qualitative interview-study using thematic analysis - Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 41 - doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2024.100999 - [link]
- Roland Roller, Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen, Ricard Martínez Martínez, Sven Schmeier, Holmer Hemsen & Supriyo Chatterjea (2024) - Data processing in healthcare using CRISP - doi: 10.1561/9781638282372.ch25 - [link]
- Holmer Hemsen, Roland Roller, Supriyo Chatterjea, Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen & Alexandra Muñoz-Oliver (2024) - The interactive BigMedilytics website: A collection of scientific results, best practices, and lessons learned - doi: 10.1561/9781638282372.ch24 - [link]
- Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen, Sandra Sülz & Rik Wehrens (2024) - Using causal diagrams to understand and deal with hindering patterns in the uptake and embedding of big data technology - doi: 10.1561/9781638282372.ch3 - [link]
- Mildred Visser, Naomi ‘t Hart, Marleen de Mul & Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen (2024) - The Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals and Managers on Patient Involvement in Care Pathway Development: A Discourse Analysis - Health Expectations, 27 (3) - doi: 10.1111/hex.14101 - [link]
- Susanne M. Maassen, Lotte Spruit-van Bentvelzen, Anne Marie J.W.M. Weggelaar-Jansen, Hester Vermeulen & Catharina J.van Oostveen (2024) - Systematic RADaR analysis of responses to the open-ended question in the Culture of Care Barometer survey of a Dutch hospital - BMJ open, 14 (4) - doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082418 - [link]
Thesis HCM
- Level
- master - jaar 2
- Year Level
- master - jaar 2