dr. JF (Joao Fernando) Ferreira Goncalves


João Gonçalves is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands). His research relates to artificial intelligence, democracy and the impacts of digitalization. He investigates topics such as online hate speech, discrimination from artificial intelligence algorithms and developed the Erasmian Language Model, an open-source and sustainable alternative to ChatGPT. Together with Jason Pridmore, he was awarded the Horizon Europe SEISMEC (Supporting European Industry Success Maximization through Empowerment Centered development) project funded with 10 million euros by the European Commission, leading a consortium of 31 partners in 17 countries. He also received a VENI talent grant worth €280,000 from the Dutch Research Council to investigate data quality in artificial intelligence using social science methods. He has published in international journals such as New Media & Society, Journalism, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Political Communication and AI & Society. He is also co-lead theme for The Digital Society in the SSH-Breed programme.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Associate professor | Department of Media and Communication

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News regarding dr. JF (Joao Fernando) Ferreira Goncalves

Erasmus University trains first Generative AI model for the Social Science and Humanities

João Gonçalves, Sonia de Jager, and Nick Jelicic received an Academic Grant from tech company NVIDIA to train their generative large language model.
AI generated image of digital code

João Gonçalves and Tessa Oomen win the ESHCC Societal Engagement Award

João Gonçalves and Tessa Oomen won this year's ESHCC Societal Engagement Award for their outstanding contributions to advancing AI research.
Joao Goncalves, Tessa Oomen and Jacco van Sterkenburg

Making AI “less artificial”

João Gonçalves received a Veni grant for his research on using social science within AI.
Joao Fernando Ferreirea Goncalves